Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Mr. Amado I. Yoro [Leadership Development]
A barangay young boy with a strong inclination to "tagnawa system", a community service organizer/co-organizer and volunteer is always there to share his time and talent.

His W-A-R and can do attitude, Amado can always give his humble ideas and his acquired knowledge and experience in organizing a group.

In his elementary, high school and college days, he once an -co-officers/co-organizer group, class, fraternity group, include but not limited to:
1968: Founding president Tapao Youngster Organization
1973: Co-organizer, Sinaitenians of Oahu and served as first Corresponding Secretary and then 3 times president for six years
1974: Co-organizer, Ti TAOH, Tapao Aid Organization of Hawaii and served a first Executive Secretary
1973: Co-organizer, Gumil USA, Inc. and served as first Secretary
1976: Ilokandia Magasin: Ilokandia Publishing, Inc. Treasurer and Incorporator
1977: Co,organizer, Ilocos Surian Association of Hawaii and served as first Auditor, and currently one of the advisers
1977; Co-organizer, Aloha Saluyot Group
1978: Co-organizer, Honolulu Fil-am Lions Club as first Lion Tamer, then, Vice President to President
1979: Co-organizer, Tri Media Council and served as first Recording Secretary
1990: Co-organizer, Divine Word College of Laoag College Alumni Association of Hawaii and served a founding president
1983: Co-organizer and director, Vigan Association of Hawaii
1980: Founder/Chairman, Dakilang Ugat Awards[formerly Journalism Award 1975]
1982-1985: Organizer and Editor, Santak ilokano supplement to Hawaii Filipino News, with Ambassador Juan C. Dionisio, Sr., and then Francisco Ugale, publisher; Corky Trinidad, Mario Orbito and Pepi Nieva;
981-1986: Member, State Board of Registration [COMELEC]
1986-1988: Co-publisher and Managing Editor, PLUMA Magasin with Mario Orbito and Mario Albalos
1993: Co-organizer, Isabela Hawaii Association and served as first PRO
1995: Co-organizer, Sinait National High School Alumni Association of Hawaii and served as second vice president and DCCA incorporator, now adviser
1995: Co-organizer, Hawaii Fil-Am Media Council and served as first Recording secretary
1996: Member, Federation of Filipino American Media Assn of America and Canada[FFAMAS]1996: Co-founder/Chairman, AMMA Foundation Literary Award
1996: Co-organizer, Director, Mario Abinsay Albalos Foundation for Literary Award
1996: Co-organizer, Gumil Oahu and served as founding president and DCCA incorporator, now a director
1996-1998: Literary Adviser: Hawaii Talent Searchers Club; Gumil Ilocos Sur -Philippines
1997: Co-organizer, Annak ti Sinait Iti Hawaii and served as first Executive Secretary and DCCA Incorporator, now and adviser
2000: Member, Hawaii Millineum Commission
2002-2006: Commissioner, Filipino Centennial Celebration Commission
2002-2008: Certified Deputy Voters Registrar, City Clerk, C&C of Honolulu
2007: Chairman, Hawaii Coordinating Committee for Sinaitenians 2nd International Grand Reunion, August 10, 11, 12, 2007 Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel 500 plus guests
2007: Co-organizer, Incorporator, International Director and PRO, Sinaitenians International & Global Network [SIGN]OTHERS: Church and Community leadership role: Past President OFCC, 1982; Bishop's Warden[President] St. Paul's Church
1990-2007' Chairman, Vicar's Advisory Board, Chairman, Ways & Means[fundraising], etc.

Delegate to various local and national church stewardship and leadership development mostly in the US mainland.Speaker in various literary and church stewardship development as a member of the Hawaii Diocese Stewardship Commission and the Episcopal Relief Development Fund

He is a 1970 BSE-History graduate, married to Gloria P. Yoro, a Northwestern College Graduate, with one daughter Cheryl Lei, and grandson Cameron Jay, 2 years old.

A former ogranizer and Business representative with the Laborers International Union of North America, Local 368, Amado also served as an Employment Consultant with the State of Hawaii Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, and Personnel Director for Helemano Plantation, a non-profit organization.

In his first days in Hawaii, his first job in a local sugar plantation was Utility Field Worker to Spray gang, experiment, warehouse, timekeeper, Employee Relations Clerk to Housing and Safety Coordinator.,

He loves writing and awarded as Pedro Bucaneg Awardee 2002;
Man of the Year in Poetry 2007 by Gumil Filipinas; award winner for the Literary Contest by the Economy Tours & Travel, Ulopan Literary Award, Gumil Hawaii, others.Thomas Jefferson Awardee 1987 by the American Institute of Public Service and the Honolulu Advertiser; Pride of Waipahu 1988, Community Service Awardee by the the Lions Club International.

Amado believes that "it is what you can do and accomplish matter, than what you think and say". He admits "a person of humanness and imperfection", doing what he can do now, than, think, but not doing anything all".