Wednesday, January 29, 2014


REPOST REPOST Wednesday, January 29, 2014 Intayon Umiliw a Kumita ken Pakita Idiay Ilitayo A Sinait- Kailian January 29, 2014--------Wednesday=========Intayon Umiliw a Kumita ken Pakita idiay Ilitayo a Sinait GENERAL POSTING FROM AMADO I. YORO, CHAIRMAN AND OVERALL COORDINATOR FOR THE PLANNED SINAIT MINI MEDICAL MISSION AND ALUMNI HOMECOMING======THEME: UMAYKAMI UMILIW A KUMITA KEN PAKITA, O, ILIMI A SINAIT========= EVERYTHING IS TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO MINOR CHANGE========EMAIL ME AT April May 2014 Sinait Mini Medical Mission and Alumni Homecoming Itinerary And Homecoming Mission Amado I. Yoro General Chairperson and Over-All Coordinator Davelyn Quijano & Antonio Ipalari Co-Chairpersons-Organization and Membership Hermie Gaspar Co-Chairperson –Lot Acquisition & Medicine Supplies Augusto ‘Gus’ Concepcion Co-Chairperson-Marker/Design and Construction Dolly Willing Co-Chairperson- Travel Arrangement/Hospitality Dr. Estrella Pada Taong Co-Chairperson-Medical Personnel and Municipal Personnel Draft only THE MOST IMPORTANT DATES Tentative schedules- all subject to the proper arrangement in Sinait April 24 --Thursday All Volunteers -De-briefing/re-orientation at the Auditorium with the Sinait Doctors—preferrably afternoon. The THINGS TO DO: What, When, Where, How, Who, and Whom as part of the re-orientation, Handing out medicines, safety, others. April 25--Friday District Hospital or Puericulture Center---7am –2pm—as medicine supplies are available- [Take Note: After the Medical mission is done----members of the Group from Hawaii can go their own schedules until May 1 for the Dadalaquiten Norte Unveiling & Dedication of the Marker activities. 100% cooperation is highly requested] May 1 --Thursday [8am-2pm]-Dadalaquiten Norte [Logo Beach] –Unveiling & dedication of the shrine/marker to the Barangay Dadalaquiten Norte headed by Brgy Captain Roselily Dayoan to be assisted by her husband SB member Rommel Dayoan, with the blessing of the parish priest of San Nicholas Parish Church The Reverend Nick Vaquilar Morning Refreshment and lunch be prepared and served 8am---Opening Unveiling by: Amado Yoro, Roselily Dayoan, Fr. Nick Vaquilar, Mayor Marlon Ines, VM Glenn Guzman, SB Rommel Dayoan, Antonio Ipalari, Davelyn Quijano, Gus Concepcion, Hermie Gaspar, Estrella Taong, Arthur Yadao [we will appoint a caretaker from the barangay] I highly recommend the Barangay to adopt as a regular project. After the unveiling and dedication of the marker comes the informal program Greetings from Hermie Iloreta Gaspar, Brgy Capt Roselily Dayoan, Mayor Marlon Ines , Fr. Nick Vaquilar, Amado Yoro Antonio Ipalari, Davelyn Quijano, Estrella Pada Taong Lunch Adjourn May 1---Thursday [San Nicholas Parish Church] 3pm –opening Brief remarks Fr, Nick Vaquilar Amado Yoro Estrella Pada Taong Antonio Ipalari, Davelyn Quijano 6pm adjourn May 2- Friday Homecoming Night or May 3 Saturday Any portion of the entire program [2 hours for the group is fine] As a Homecoming Night Group shall be presented by the Mayor Marlon Ines and Dr. Estrella Pada Taong will present all the volunteers from Hawaii assisted by Hermie Gaspar, Antonio Ipalari and Davelyn Quijano Amado Yoro will present all the Alumni in each batch assisted by Delia Yoro/or SNHS representative [Dr. Nancy Bumatay]

Intayon Umiliw a Kumita ken Pakita Idiay Ilitayo A Sinait- Kailian

January 29, 2014--------Wednesday=========Intayon Umiliw a Kumita ken Pakita idiay Ilitayo a Sinait GENERAL POSTING FROM AMADO I. YORO, CHAIRMAN AND OVERALL COORDINATOR FOR THE PLANNED SINAIT MINI MEDICAL MISSION AND ALUMNI HOMECOMING======THEME: UMAYKAMI UMILIW A KUMITA KEN PAKITA, O, ILIMI A SINAIT=========EVERYTHING IS TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO MINOR CHANGE========EMAIL ME AT April May 2014 Sinait Mini Medical Mission and Alumni Homecoming Itinerary And Homecoming Mission Amado I. Yoro General Chairperson and Over-All Coordinator Davelyn Quijano & Antonio Ipalari Co-Chairpersons-Organization and Membership Hermie Gaspar Co-Chairperson –Lot Acquisition & Medicine Supplies Augusto ‘Gus’ Concepcion Co-Chairperson-Marker/Design and Construction Dolly Willing Co-Chairperson- Travel Arrangement/Hospitality Dr. Estrella Pada Taong Co-Chairperson-Medical Personnel and Municipal Personnel Draft only THE MOST IMPORTANT DATES Tentative schedules- all subject to the proper arrangement in Sinait April 24 --Thursday All Volunteers -De-briefing/re-orientation at the Auditorium with the Sinait Doctors—preferrably afternoon. The THINGS TO DO: What, When, Where, How, Who, and Whom as part of the re-orientation, Handing out medicines, safety, others. April 25--Friday District Hospital or Puericulture Center---7am –2pm—as medicine supplies are available- [Take Note: After the Medical mission is done----members of the Group from Hawaii can go their own schedules until May 1 for the Dadalaquiten Norte Unveiling & Dedication of the Marker activities. 100% cooperation is highly requested] May 1 --Thursday [8am-2pm]-Dadalaquiten Norte [Logo Beach] –Unveiling & dedication of the shrine/marker to the Barangay Dadalaquiten Norte headed by Brgy Captain Roselily Dayoan to be assisted by her husband SB member Rommel Dayoan, with the blessing of the parish priest of San Nicholas Parish Church The Reverend Nick Vaquilar Morning Refreshment and lunch be prepared and served 8am---Opening Unveiling by: Amado Yoro, Roselily Dayoan, Fr. Nick Vaquilar, Mayor Marlon Ines, VM Glenn Guzman, SB Rommel Dayoan, Antonio Ipalari, Davelyn Quijano, Gus Concepcion, Hermie Gaspar, Estrella Taong, Arthur Yadao [we will appoint a caretaker from the barangay] I highly recommend the Barangay to adopt as a regular project. After the unveiling and dedication of the marker comes the informal program Greetings from Hermie Iloreta Gaspar, Brgy Capt Roselily Dayoan, Mayor Marlon Ines , Fr. Nick Vaquilar, Amado Yoro Antonio Ipalari, Davelyn Quijano, Estrella Pada Taong Lunch Adjourn May 1---Thursday [San Nicholas Parish Church] 3pm –opening Brief remarks Fr, Nick Vaquilar Amado Yoro Estrella Pada Taong Antonio Ipalari, Davelyn Quijano 6pm adjourn May 2- Friday Homecoming Night or May 3 Saturday Any portion of the entire program [2 hours for the group is fine] As a Homecoming Night Group shall be presented by the Mayor Marlon Ines and Dr. Estrella Pada Taong will present all the volunteers from Hawaii assisted by Hermie Gaspar, Antonio Ipalari and Davelyn Quijano Amado Yoro will present all the Alumni in each batch assisted by Delia Yoro/or SNHS representative [Dr. Nancy Bumatay]

January 29, 2014 Wednesday=====Follow up Box for Ormoc City

January 29, 2014 Wednesday -----Follow up Box for Ormoc City======still at the Tarlac Warehouse, they will deliver to Ormoc======emailing friends about Sinait Medical Mission for April-May 2014 Solicitation letter

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


January 7, 2014 Tuesday-------ISAH ELECTION FOR 2014-2016---I got home at 11:15 almost midnight-----I had a trouble in my computer when I got home-------low batt- no connection---I asked my son in law to check for me------Here I am now greeting you midnight, 6:35 pm in Ortega----Reporting to yu now, the ISAH election came out very smoothly and quietly-----about 55 in attendance from 13 unit organizations, 1 unit did not show upAs a Chair of the Election, the result are as follows:Danny Villaruz from Rancho, Santa Ilocos Sur was reelected president unopposed;Dr. Estrella pada Taong, sinait, was elected 1vp; Leticia Dalit, Santa Marian was elected 2vp; Loida Yamamoto, Vigan was reelected Recording sec; Davelyn Quijano, Sinait, reelected Correspondding secretary; Rose Sabangan, Cabugao, reelected treasurer; Lina Mercado, Santa, elected Assist treasurer; Alice Castaneda, Lapog, reelected auditor; Emmie Villaruz, elected assist auditor, Romulo Basuel and Antonio Ipalari, elected PRO;Sgt at arms: Art Abinsay, Jimmy Dalit, Nemesio Dar, Al Sabangan, Paul TaongMembers of the Election Committee: Amado Yoro, Chairman, Co-chairs Jun Abinsay, Ben Cabreros, Pio Enrico, Louie Funtanilla and Danny Villaruz, ex-officio=======================In attendance per unit: Annak Ti Sinait Iti Hawaii [5] Hermie Gaspar, Amado Yoro, Antonio Ipalari, Rosebella Ipalari. Estrella Taong; SNHS ALUMNI: Romulo Basuel, Dolly Willing, Davelyn Quijano. Ador Quijano, Lucky Tan Vital, Angelita Idica, Rogelio Idica, CABUGAO: Emelyn Damo, Al Sabangan, Rose Sabangan, Veronica Esteban, Mercedes Sonico , SAN JUAN LAPOG san juan lapog: Alice Castaneda, Vina Antolin, Lina Mercado, Mariano Viloria, Jocelyn Vaquilar [Mr. Antolin] MAGSINGAL: Armi Farinas, Florian Tugade, Remy Butac, Romelani Kauwe, Gary Kauwe STO DOMINGO: Rogelio Tapat. Prudencio Taclas. Rexxie Tuzon==============================VIGAN=======Art Abinsay, Cora Salvador, Jean Jeremiah, Evangeline Bacani, Loida Yamamoto, jun Abinsay=======ANNAC TI CAOAYAN 2002--- Jenny Quezon========SANTANIANS------Danny Villaruz, Emmie Villaruz, Dr. Julius Soria========NARVACAN-----Louie Funtanilla, Ben Cabreros=========CANDONIANS" Antonio Inigo, William Gaspar========SANTIAGUENIANS====Maria Cristina White========SANTA MARIANS=====Leticia Dalit, Nemesio Dar, Jimmy Dalit, Teresita Cabanting, Remedios Balanon, Lydia Felipe, Avelino Felicitas, Teresita Felicitas, Peter====NOTE; 5 voting members per unit=======AS A RULE: All sitting officers still can run same position BUT MUST BE PRESENT-------YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO BE NOMINATED AND ELECTED.=======After the elections submitted by Amado Yoro, to the President, former rep Jun Abinsay installed the officers witnessed by UFCH President Jenny Quezon and OFCC president Jean Jeremiah========= about 55 in attendance Prayer offered by E. Taong ISSUE: Candonian member Antonio Inigo was permitted to be a voting member, as will as William Gaspar NON VOTING AS THEY WERE NEW A MONTH MEMBERS OF SANTA MARIANS----aVELINO fELICIATAS, Teresita Felicitas and Mr. Peter. DECLINES: Armi farinas for asst treasurer; Ador for sgt; Maria White for VP; Rexie for PRO and Sgt, Hermie for asst treasurer

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


TUESDAY, JAN 7, 2014 -----MY PROSPECTS AND PROJECTIONS FOR THE OFCC AND UFCH LEADERSHIP======For OFCC leadership, my pulse and my projections I want to see the following as strong TOP 3 possible OFCC president this coming June 15, 2014 convention:=====================Angie Santiago, super active in my Special Projects and-------in the women's side and 5 based organizations behind her: 1] Bulacan Circle, Filipino Womens, Etrata Group, =========Rev Alex Vergara======most honorable---lifetime achiever=====from Cagayan, INCAT, San Nicolas=======UFCH-----I want to see Jean Jeremiah to be the 4th woman UFCH president, others but still need to be proven record to be a candidate: Arnold Villafuerte, Maria Etrata, Daniel Marcos, Danny Villaruz, Ben Pulido. I may consider run for BoG again.