Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Committee Meeting 2nd Quirino Award Feb 17, 2015

ISAH Q AWARD CTE MTG FEB 17 2015 MCDONALD AIRPORT IN ATTENDANCE; Danny Villaruz, Al Sabangan, Alice Castaneda, Roger Tapat, Lina Mercado, Amado Yoro Note: At the opening of the meeting, Danny informed the group that Loida has tendered her resignation as a Event Chair for the Mrs. ISAH 2015 due to her mother’s accident. Need to attend her most of the time. Regarding the PRIORITY for the QA, tickets must be monitored in order to see progress as we need attendance. For the ADS/SPONSORSHIP SOLICITATION, the group has agreed that though it is not mandatory, however, to option and to encourage others to GET ONE FULL PAGE ADS per officer including advisers. HW will consider one but if they want to give one each, it is up to them. BACK COVER IS RESERVED FOR WEST LOCH HOTEL BY Mr. Alcantra ONE full page per unit member organization If one can solicit 7 FULL PAGES, the 8th is free ads for the solicitor. SOUVENIR BOOK PROJECTION is 140-150 pages====10-12 NON REVENUE Qne each for: • ISAH President • QA Event Chair Half each for: 1. Consulate/UFCH 2. Ilocos Sur Gov/Hawaii Gov 3. Vigan City Mayor/ Honolulu Mayor 4. OFCC/ ONE FP for Awardee: 1. QA-Hawaii 2. QA-Ilocos Sur Half each Awardee for 1. Don Belong/Leon Pichay 2. Gabriela 3. Soliven Ilocos/Soliven Hawaii 2 pages for ISAH/QA background history QA Committee meeting must be weekly with a 5 required quorum INITIAL PLEDGERS FOR ADS: Alice, 3; Amado. 2; Danny, 1 ½; Roger, 1; Lina, 1, Al, 1

Friday, February 13, 2015

breakfast meeting with jun bumanglag and ric agnes ,,zippys ewa renton 2/13/15 tgif

feb 13, 2015 tgif ====breakfast with jun bumanglag, ric agnes at zippy's ewa----book from jun operation medalla cartel talked about writing, face book, others

Monday, February 9, 2015


OFCC Special Projects On the Move……In Action, in tasks taker By Amado I. Yoro ----------------------- What a wonderful morning this February 7, 2015 Saturday in Hawaii nei. I, being the Chairman of the OFCC Special Projects Committee under the OFCC in order to tackle special tasks including but not limited to Feeding the Homeless, Adopt a Highway, Food Banking, Census, rapid response, walk for fun in relations with the raising funds for calamity and natural disasters victims, weed and seed, graffiti buster paint up, earth day A’ina Day, others. --------------------- For many years now that I was involved in this type of volunteerism: raising funds for calamity and natural disasters victims, weed and seed, graffiti buster paint up, earth day A’ina Day, others. --------------------- For many years now since my arrival from the Philippines as a son of an ordinary watercress worker and a grandson of a 1926 sakada sugar plantation worker, and I was landed in the sugar plantation as a utility field worker with a $2.10 per hour in 1971, I was involved in this type of volunteerism with the Lions Club International, the Leeward Lions Club, Honolulu Fil-Am Lions Club, the Waipahu Business Association, this project used to be called the WEE-ful program under the Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highway Division. I would say: this is one of various extra curricular activities I am doing in life……the spirit of volunteerism. Give and share. -------------------- Today, as the first activity of the year 2015 in terms of Adopt a Highway, at this bright and sunny morning, asides from our regular participants in attendance, we welcomed the newest ever member, Espie Badua, a businesswoman by profession, insurance agent and member of the Filipino Chamber of Commerce. She said: “my pleasure to join you in this kind of community service, helping the community back and make the environment cleaner”. Badua said, and “I can be with you in the Feeding the Homeless as I want to serve as well” -------------------------- This whole force this morning are as follows: Luz Peirson, from the Filipino Womens Civic Club and the Bulacan Circle of Hawaii, former OFCC treasurer; Lory Barroga-Lee, former member of Ilocos Surian Assn of Hawaii; Tia Go, youngest, daughter of Helen Grace Villanueva Go, Candonians of Hawaii president; Al Sabangan, consistent volunteer, officer and adviser of the Cabugao Sons & Daughters Assn of Hawaii, and the Ilocos Surian Assn of Hawaii, UFCH Progress Awardee 2012 for Community Service with his wife Rose Sabangan; Angie Santiago, Board of Governor, UFCH, former co-chair for the OFCC Special Projects, with her is her son Damien Santiago, youth. --------------------------------- A very consistent as one of the ACTION TAKER- Make a Difference is Jean Jeremiah, the always there person, earliest responder, an OFCC Immediate past president [2012-2014], OFCC Council of Past Presidents reocorder [secretary], executive director of the Filipino Organizations.com; Jesse Pascual, who is very good co-chairman; a UFCH Progress Awardee 2013 for Community Service; former DWCLCAAH president and OFCC director. ------------------------------------- For the Oahu Filipino Community Council [OFCC], Adopt a Highway Project is one of various activities the Council has involved with. ---------------------------------- It is a quarterly activity participated by volunteers. It was being done in the past and as far as I can remember, adopt a highway is an individual organization’s project, then, in the 80’s [ I was OFCC president 1981-1982] and 90’s, it was of and on, in 2005, the project was nearly neglected therefore the DOT took out the sign both ends: Nimitz Hwy and Kula Kolea. To restore and reactivate the project, we had requested that DOT to re-install the sign; OAHU FILIPINO COUNCIL, and in 2006 until now the signs are up and visible. [Thanks to Mr. Charles Lee, highway division]. ----------------------------------------- Not to take any credit, this writer has been co-chairing, chairing this activity under various OFCC president from Edith Pascua,[1999-2001] Eddie Agas, Sr., [2001-2003], Jenny Quezon,[2003-2004], Arnold Villafuerte, [2004-2005], Lynne Gutierrez,[2005-2007], Franklin Borromeo, [2007-2008], Cirvalina Longboy, [2008-2009], Danny Villaruz, [2009-2010], Maria Etrata, [2010-2012], Jean Jeremiah, [2012-2014] and currently under Rev. Dr. Alex Vergara, OFCC president 2014-2015. --------------------------------------------- This project became a partnership with other organizations as promulgated by the UFCH Resolution 2010-001 that was passed at the annual convention in Lahaina, Maui, under the UFCH past president Eddie Agas, Sr. The resolution was prepared and introduced by Jun Abinsay, Danny Villaruz and this writer. ----------------------------------------------------- Our committee is open for anyone who has the free time, purely voluntary at free will at own risk. Must be physically fit as the activity requires some bending, picking trash and bagging. It takes only forty five to ninety minutes depending the number of participants. Adopted street is the Kalihi St. a 2-mile stretch from the Nimitz Hwy, Oceanside; split Kalihi and Likelike Hwy to Kula Kolea Rd, across the Kalihi Elementary School towards the Wilson tunnel to Kaneohe running in the very heart of Kalihi district also known as “Filipino town” where most Filipinos live here, and represented by Filipinos to the State Legislature and/or the Honolulu City Council. At various occasions some representatives or former have joined this activity as part of their outreach like from Representative Jun Abinsay, former representative Vice Speaker Joey Manahan, now a councilman; Vice Speaker John Mizuno, married to a Filipina. Also participated in by former Mrs. Hawaii Filipina Armi Farinas, Jema Geronimo, Miss Hawaii Filipina Margaret Pascual, Miss Oahu Filipina, and others. ###

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


FEB 3, 2015 TUESDAY===ISAH BOARD MEETING----In attendance clockwise from Danny Villaruz, Rose Sabangan, Veronica Esteban, Al Sabangan, Art Abinsay, Roger Tapat, Antonio Ipalari, Gus Concepcion, Romulo Basuel, Amado Yoro, Lina Mercado, acting secretary; Alice Castaneda, Waneka Davis, Estrella Taong, Paul Taong, Nemesio Dar, Editha Dar, Lety Dalit, Jimmy Dalit, Emmie Villaruz, Jun Abinsay============ Pres Danny wants the Quirino Award Committee to meet each week======it was moved and seconded that QAC will meet each Tuesday beginning Feb 17 until April-----------Loida concern is work conflict of schedule=======moving board meeting to another day has been denied======[board felt if it is granted to move, then, we putting a precedent]========================discussion if it is possible to put nominee to other category should there is no nominee=============single category ONLY------as a nominator make sure your nominee fits into certain category----------ADDED Soliven one for Hawaii===========Resolution was passed to Congratulate Vigan City being chosen as 7New Wonder Cities n the World=======carried=======

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reso to congratulate Vigan City as 7NewWonders cities in the World 2014

Resolution Congratulating Vigan City relating to the Selection of Vigan City a New7WonderCities in the World 2014 ============================= Whereas, Vigan City, as one of the 0NE HUNDRED FORTY FOUR CITIIES in the Philippines according to Local Government Listing as of Dec 2013.==================== Whereas, Vigan City was entered into a very rigid process of selection for the 7New Wonder Cities among the 1200 plus cities from the 220 different countries in the the World.================ Whereas, Vigan City is the World Heritage Site by United Nation Ecomomic and Scientific Cultural Organization, 1999, as best preserved example of planned Spanish colonial town in Asia============= Whereas, Vigan City is the former Ciudad Fernandina. Vigan shows unique views, and old Spanish colonial buildings, and structures================= Whereas, Vigan is the country’s oldest surviving Spanish colonial city that dates back to the 16th century. Tourists visit this heritage site known for its cobbled streets, old houses and horse-drawn carriages.===================== Whereas, Vigan City has a 49,747 population================= Whereas, Vigan City has an geographical area of 9.7 square miles==================== Whereas Vigan City has gone into a very rigid process of selection by professional judges from different country and with different backgrounds=================== Whereas, That rigid processes took several phases ranging from the summer 2013 with 1200 cities from 220 countries 300 cities from 77 countries 28 cities to 21 countries – Oct 2, 2013-july 2014 21 cities to 14 countries – July 7, 2014-Oct 7, 2014 14 cities to 7 countries – Oct 7, 2014 to Dec 7, 2014 =================== Whereas, Vigan City garnered one of the 7New WondersCities in the World, in no particular rank but an alpha order as duly proclaimed by Bernard Weber, President and CEO the 7NewWonder Cities in the World: ================================= 1. Beirut-Lebanon============ 2. Doha-Qatar======== 3. Durban-South Africa============== 4. Havana-Cuba============= 5. Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia======== 6. La Paz-Bolivia====== 7. Vigan City-Philippines====== ============== Be it further resolved that the copy of this resolution be provided to the following” 1. Oahu Filipino Community Council 2. United Filipino Council of Hawaii 3. Philippine Consulate General-Honolulu 4. Office of the Governor of Hawaii 5. Office of the Governor of Ilocos Sur 6. Office of the Mayor Vigan City 7. Office of the Chair, Culture and Arts, Tourism and Intergovernmental Affairs for both Senate and House 8. Office of the Chair, Culture, Arts, Tourism and Intergovernmental Affairs, Honolulu council ========================== This 38th years and Vigan has been represented by Jun Abinsay, Peter Aduja, Mario Albalos during the formation year 2/27/1877m and Aduja and Albalos served as presidents, Vigan is a consistent member of ISAH.========================= Co-Introduced by Amado I. Yoro, ISAH Adviser, VAHA Director and Co-Introduced by Felipe P. Abinsay, Jr. ISAH adviser, ISAH Adviser, VAHA Founding President, February 3, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015


AMADO I. YORO’S TOP 20 2014 ACHIEVEMENTS In God’s Blessing and Guidance ================= From Amado Yoro's Journal: Church, Community, writing related Activities ======================== A. ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Humbled and honored in winning the 1st Prize SELACA Poetry Contest 2014 with a Php10,000.00. I donated the prizes distributed to my relatives in Tapao, one taking Music in college; 2 taking youth leadership training and for the Church Youth Group [note: I was 2nd prize in 2013]==================== 2. Successfully spearheaded, initiated, implemented the “Walk for Fun Projects” Sinait Fit, Healthy and Active as a fundraising project for the Sinait Medical Mission as collective efforts by Annak Ti Sinait Iti Hawaii and the Sinait Alumni related to the Sinait Medical Mission April 2014 in Sinait through the leadership of Hermie Gaspar, Bill Gaspar, Davelyn Quijano, Gus Concepcion, Romulo Basuel, Antonio Ipalari, and other officers and members.====================== 3. Successfully spearheaded, initiated, planned and coordinated as to raise fund for the Construction of the Sto Cristo Milagroso Shrine/Marker in Logo Dadalaquiten Norte, Sinait, Ilocos Sur, through the leadership of Davelyn Quijano, Gus Concepcion, Romulo Basuel, Antonio Ipalari, and Hermie and Bill Gaspar and the ILORETA family for donating a parcel of land where the Apo Lakay/Black Nazarene Marker was constructed. Logo Dadalaquiten Norte has been believe to be the Black Nazarene was landed by waves as was been floated from Nagasaki, Japan in the 1600’s. Sto Cristo Milagroso became the religious patron saint for Saint Nicholas Church in Sinait [Simbaan a Dakkel] ==================== 4. Successfully conducted the Elections for Annak Ti Sinait and Sinait Alumni as Election Chair. Able to coordinate an Evening with VIP’s Special Ranking officials from Sinait: Vice Mayor and Engr. Glenn Guzman; Sanggunian Bayan Member Romel Dayoan and Punong Barangay Roselily Dayoan of Dadalaquiten Norte in a separate dinner get together attended by members and officers of joint Annak Ti Sinait and Sinait Alumni Assn of Hawaii. 5. Successfully conducted the Elections for Ilocos Surian Assn of Hawaii as Election Chair, and served as Adviser. Reelected Danny Villaruz, the longest serving president ever since 2001 with a successful administration mainly the Ilocos Surian Medical and Homecoming Mission 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, and expecting to led the December 2015. Other ISAH projects such as President Elpidio Quirino Leadership and Humanitarian Award, Scholarship, Typhoon Victims Assistance Program, etc.=================== 6. Successfully assisted the annual OFCC convention as Co-Chair with Jake Manegdeg and Election of Officers as co-chair with Danny Villaruz, Larry Ramirez, John Ramos, Jun Abinsay and others, for the last 7 years back, with other Convention Chairs like Ernie Pascua, Carlota Ader, Leo Gozar, Mario Palma. Able to attend, participate in the OFCC regular monthly board meetings.================== 7. Successfully served as Judge for Mothers and Fathers Day KNDI Radio by the request of Mr. Geronimo Malabed, Owner. ===================== 8. Successfully renewed the Agreement for the Adopt a Hawaii both OFCC and the Samahang Ilocano, Intl, Kalihi street and Farrington Hwy, Waipahu, respectively [2 miles each] with the Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Highway Division============================== 9. Humbled and honored to be a Cover page with feature story written by Myra Yoro Madayag, Layout Artist for Timpuyog Journal. I retained my status as Hawaii Correspondent for TJ. And concurrently, I retained my column PARADISE PAGE with Ilocos Times as regular week; and my writings to the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle and some contributions to Bannawag, and monetary donations to Gumil Filipinas Conference, I sponsored five [5] student delegates to the National Convention and Seminar and Workshops held in Claveria, Cagayan in April 2014. Lizelle Cate Oandasan, Nichole Velasco, Aparri West National High School; Redelyn Sabal, Christina Repalda Cagayan National High School, Tuguegarao City and Baby Erlyn S. Domingo CSU, Sanchez Mira Campus.======================= 10. As a Chairman of the OFCC Special Projects Committee, we successfully renewed and led the regular monthly Feeding the Homeless with the Institute for Human Services with the assistance of my co-chairs: Angie Santiago, Armi Farinas, Jesse Pascual, Art Abinsay, Al Sabangan, Eddie Agas, Sr., Danny Villaruz and able to increase numbers of volunteers from other people and other organizations like Santiaguenians Assn of Hawaii led by Maria Cristina White; Candonians of Hawaii led by Helen Grace Villanueva Go; the University of the East Alumni Assn – Hawaii Chapter led by Baybee Hufana Ablan. And for the Adopt a Highway Clean Up Project, we also increased the number of participants.==================================== 11. Successful ISAH picnic at the Park Neal Blaisdell Park as Co-chair with Al Sabangan, Danny Villaruz, Roger Tapat, Art Abinsay, approximately 70 members in attendance from the 13 unit organizations f Sinait, Cabugao, San Juan Lapog, Sto Domingo, Vigan, Santa, Narvacan, Candon, Santiago, Santa Maria, Magsingal, Tagudin, Caoayan.================================== 12. Successfully led an ADOPT A PARK [NBP] for St. Paul’s Church with approximately 70 volunteers on Sept 27, 2014 and with a $1000.00 grant from Matson Navigation Ika Pu’u Aina with the City and County Park & Recreation Department========================================= 13. Participated in the OFCC Adopt a Park as initiated by Jean Jeremiah, OFCC past president with about 67 volunteers and with a $1000.00 grant from Matson Navigation and the City and County Park and Recreation Department.============================== 14. On November 29, 2014, I was elected as OFCC Council of Past Presidents Vice Chairman [COPP], Danny Villaruz, Chair and Jean Jeremiah, recorder. There are 22 living past presidents out of the 45 men and women who served OFCC since June 1959, the formation year.================================ 15. Successfully continue to sponsor the annual AMMAFLA literary writing contest for budding writers in Ilokano short story since 1997; with the partnership with Francisco Ponce, Alfred Quibol, with the coordination of Mr. Cles B. Rambaud, Bannawag, and able to produce another brilliant, intelligent and versatile writer to the Carlos Palanca Awardee 2014 Ronelyn Ramones. Other contestants who have gone thru AMMAFLA to Don Carlos Palanca Award include: Eden Aquino Alviar, Danny Antalan, Ariel Tabag, Arnold Jose, Dr. Clarito De Francia, Sherma Benosa, Jaime Agpalo, others.========================= 16. Resource speaker for the Gumil Hawaii Literary Seminar/Workshop [Labor Day 2014]; and the Gumil Filipinas 4th International Conference in Honolulu [Oct 31-Nov 2, 2014] sponsored by the Gumil Oahu.========================================= 17. Delegate to the Hawaii Diocesan Convention representing St. Paul’s Church last October 2014; and maintained our family pledge for the general fund and for administration and operations of St. Paul’s Church. I maintained my status as an advisory capacity for the Bishop’s Committee, the 3 legs: Laymen of St. Paul’s, Women of St. Paul’s, Youth of St. Paul’s, and the Vicar with other 3 elders: Emma Valdez, Eddie Agullana and Albina Gamponia.========================================== 18. Successfully sent 3 balikbayan boxes to MMSU, Batac City, contents of my collections of old copies of Bannawag magazines from 1971 to 2007 by the recommendation of Dr. Aurelio Solver Agcaoili for the Ilokaniana Section MMSU Library and as acknowledged by Dr. Alegria Tan Visaya.=========================================== 19. Successfully rejoined the Filipino Coalition for Solidarity and served in an Advisory Council relating to social justice, social issues and concerns include but not limited to immigration, civil rights, government and politics, education, culture to name a few.=================================================== 20. In personal health matters. Thanks God, it was successfully cleared and certified as 100% clear in my once in every 10 years Colonoscopy Exam and procedures Sept 22, 2014. Successfully maintained my weight ranging 138-144 pounds; my Blood sugar 85-130; AIC 7.9; Systolic 126, Diastolic 76; Pulse rate 78, and regained my walking ability after my left ankle surgery caused by accident as I fixed my roof and my left ankle’s fractured bones and now able to keep my 4-5 miles daily regular walk. My eyes examination was adjusted from every 6 months to every year. ========================= B.NON Accomplished: Unable to continue my House re-Roofing; unable to find a part time job for additional income------my babysitting of my 3 years old grand daughter may hindered my job hunt.================================ C. Others: Loss of friend/s, the demise of Larry Ramirez