Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Lets plan a OFCC COPP 're-union', an informal get together [GOAT TOGETHER] and share our own personal stories and with or without relation with OFCC but perhaps our lives as a 'grandparents' now, how we enjoyed our lives as a "babysitters', how we sing a song without a title, to dance without a music with our aw-awir, how we re-started growing with our grandkids, our lullabyes, the hectic time, how to change pampers, how and when to give our grandkids a bottle of milk: the Similac, and other brands.
For the 21 living OFCC past presidents, I will pledge to take care of the plastic spoon, fork, napkins, 2 dozen of bottled water, some pulotan, paper and/or plastic cups, and some kankanen, dessert, aroz caldo and hmmmm the favorite 'kilawen a bindunggo' or fresh shrimps a maperresan ti lemon.
If somebody can look for a venue: park, beach or outdoor setting.
Comment and or suggestions is welcomed.
Amado 1982
the following 21 living past presidents
1. Victor Agmata -1967-1968
2. Pol Ragasa - 1970-1971
3. Gene Albano -1971-1973
4. Ilalo Parayno - 1976-1977
5. Amado Yoro -1982
6. Herman Gerry Rojo -1984-1986
7. Victor Guillermo - 1986-1987
8. Maggie Domingo -1990
9. Romualdo Agustin -1990-1992
10. Jun Abinsay -1994-1996
11. Ernie Pascua-1996-1997
12. Ben Cabreros -1997-1999
13. Edith Pascua -1999-2001
14. Eddie Agas -2001-2003
15. Jenny Quezon -2003-2004
16. Dr. V -2004-2005
17. Lynne Gutierrez -2005-2007
18. Franklin Borromeo - 2007-2008
19. Cirvalina Longboy -2008-2009
20. Danny Villaruz -2009-2010
21. Maria Etrata 2010-2012
THIS IS AMADO - I will reserve the Patsy Mink Central Oahu Park Waipio - [this is the most centralized and cleanest park I ever see and use everytime I have goat together other than a house]
Any suggestion/s will do
Pick your date: Sunday
1. August 12
2. August 19
3. Sept 16
4. Sept 23
5. Oct 14
6. Oct 21
We need the following committee COORDINATORS.
Please volunteer yourself, pick your committee
1. Food Committee - to compile food items in order to avoid to much duplication of food items
2. Tent and Table Chairs Committee - bring and set-up tables and chairs in certain spot at the park - close a toilet
3. Telephone Communication Committee - to call and follow-up those past presidents without emails
4. Program Committee - part of the informal agenda or topic of discussion [political endorsement, maybe, fundraising drive, maybe, missions: medical, pilgrimage, cruises, another Filipino social hall, filipino building, literary and/or cultural sponsorship, etc. dream dream dream]
5. other as necessary
From: ""
To: Ernie Pascua
Cc: Jun Abinsay ; "" ; Amado Yoro ; Danilo Villaruz ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "Pascua, Edith (US)" ; Friends of Ilalo Parayno ; "" ; "Eddie D. Agas, Sr." ; Maria Etrata
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:35 PM
Good Afternoon Everyone,
REUNION GOAT TOGETHER IS A GREAT IDEA !!!! I'll bring shrimp with my specialty sauce (secret). Let me know the date, time and place. Mahalo/Ben C.
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Re: OFCC Delegate count 2012
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• Eddie D. Agas, Sr.
• Amado Yoro
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:55 AM
Apo Amado,
Yes we will. No sign waving yesterday & re-scheduled on Wednesday in Pearl City at 4pm
Sent from my iPhone
Unofficial: Jean Jeremiah and Zhoydell Magaoay aspiring for OFCC presidency.
From: "Eddie D. Agas, Sr."
To: Amado Yoro
Cc: Danilo Villaruz
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: OFCC resolution
Oahu Filipino Community Council
Annual Convention
June 10, 2012
Philippine Counsulate Lanai
RESOLUTION 2012 ______
Past Presidents Attendance to Annual Convention
WHEREAS, the past presidents of the Oahu Filipino Community Council (OFCC)shall attend its annual convention even without any affiliation of an organization.
WHEREAS, the past presidents shall pay assessed delegate fee during its annual convention.
WHEREAS, a Council of Past Presidents delegate list shall be created during the annual convention.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the delegates of the Oahu Filipino Community Council, assemble in this convention hereby supports the resolution regarding attendance of past presidents.
Introduced by:
Council of Past Presidents
I am in support with reservation. needs some polishing and refining the language
RE: OFCC resolution
TO: You + 13 More14 recipients
CC: 1 recipientYou 1 More
BCC: recipientYou
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• Pascua, Edith (US)
• Danilo Villaruz
• Jun Abinsay
• Amado Yoro
• 11 More...
• Jean Jeremiah
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:06 AM
Just to help out, here it is..ep
Oahu Filipino Community Council
Annual Convention
June 10, 2012
Philippine Counsulate Lanai
RESOLUTION 2012 ______
Past Presidents Attendance to Annual Convention
WHEREAS, the past presidents of the Oahu Filipino Community Council (OFCC)shall attend its annual convention even without any affiliation of an organization.
WHEREAS, the past presidents shall pay assessed delegate fee during its annual convention.
WHEREAS, a Council of Past Presidents delegate list shall be created during the annual convention.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the delegates of the Oahu Filipino Community Council, assemble in this convention hereby supports the resolution regarding attendance of past presidents.
Introduced by:
Council of Past Presidents
TO: 2 More2 recipients
CC: 12 recipientsYou 12 More
BCC: recipientsYou
Hide Details
• Amado Yoro
• Pascua, Edith (US)
• Eddie D. Agas, Sr.
• Jun Abinsay
• Danilo Villaruz
• Friends of Ilalo Parayno
• 7 More...
Message flagged
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 11:42 AM
I am not in Spain, Netherland nor Europe. I am not asking for amount of $ because the wallet, passport were lost at the hotel. Only a 'dream' and history books I've gone to those places.
I am enjoying my life here in this 'small corner' of the Ewa Historic and old Plantation Villages with my families [2 grandchildren], around this old plantation style home are banana trees, mango tree, karamay tree, alukon tree, several marunggay trees with green leaves, young and old bunga, tabungaw [white squash ]and kabatiti bearing fruits, katuday with flowers enough for fresh dinengdeng, eggplant, paria, masetas, and growing papaya. Lets plan a OFCC COPP 're-union', an informal get together [GOAT TOGETHER] and share our own personal stories and with or without relation with OFCC but perhaps our lives as a 'grandparents' now, how we enjoyed our lives as a "babysitters', how we sing a song without a title, to dance without a music with our aw-awir, how we re-started growing with our grandkids, our lullabyes, the hectic time, how to change pampers, how and when to give our grandkids a bottle of milk: the Similac, and other brands.
For the 20 living OFCC past presidents, I will pledge to take care of the plastic spoon, fork, napkins, 2 dozen of bottled water, some pulotan, paper and/or plastic cups, and some kankanen, dessert, aroz caldo and hmmmm the favorite 'kilawen a bindunggo' or fresh shrimps a maperresan ti lemon.
If somebody can look for a venue: park, beach or outdoor setting.
Comment and or suggestions is welcomed.
Amado 1982
From: "Pascua, Edith (US)"
To: Amado Yoro ; "Eddie D. Agas, Sr."
Cc: Jun Abinsay ; Danilo Villaruz ; Friends of Ilalo Parayno ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; Maria Etrata
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 11:00 AM
Subject: RE: OFCC resolution
Our lost friend, thanks for your email!
From: Amado Yoro []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:38 AM
To: Eddie D. Agas, Sr.; Pascua, Edith (US)
Cc: Jun Abinsay; Danilo Villaruz; Friends of Ilalo Parayno;;;;;;;;; Maria Etrata
Subject: Re: OFCC resolution
I respectfully salute all the past presidents who served and put their TTT's beyond their own families
For UFCH presidency, there are those served back and served again for another chance. I think community service is unlimited but the Bylaws limits people.
And priorities put us in a REAL choice.
Kudos to all and God bless
Amado 1982
From: "Eddie D. Agas, Sr."
To: "Pascua, Edith (US)"
Cc: Danilo Villaruz ; Jun Abinsay ; Amado Yoro ; Ilalo Parayno ; Lina Longboy ; Angie/Franklin Borromeo ; jenny quezon ; Gene Albano ; "" ; Ben Cabreros ; Arnold Villafuerte ; Maria Etrata ; "" ; Jean Jeremiah
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: OFCC resolution
Okay Madame I respect your decision. Yes I'm slowing down also & we are getting old. We should take care our health. Anyway we need someone like you. You made a big difference in the community. God bless you. To have a grandchildren is really good they make us young. Have a nice day.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2012, at 8:52 AM, "Pascua, Edith (US)" wrote:
NO, thank you my friend. We’re a retiree in this type of Community Service. I applaud all of you who are still willing to participate. I wish I have the time but I’m starting all over again with my grand children and addition on the way. We are watching, we put our two cents here and there but we can’t commit any longer.
I can no longer handle stress either. Hehehee..
From: Eddie D. Agas, Sr. []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:39 AM
To: Pascua, Edith (US)
Cc: Danilo Villaruz; Jun Abinsay; Amado Yoro; Ilalo Parayno; Lina Longboy; Angie/Franklin Borromeo; jenny quezon; Gene Albano;; Ben Cabreros; Arnold Villafuerte; Maria Etrata;; Jean Jeremiah
Subject: Re: OFCC resolution
I nominate you for President of the UFCH. Please consider.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2012, at 8:26 AM, "Pascua, Edith (US)" wrote:
Hahaha……you’re very welcome Mr Past Pres Eddie.
From: Eddie D. Agas, Sr. []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:16 AM
To: Pascua, Edith (US)
Cc: Danilo Villaruz; Jun Abinsay; Amado Yoro; Ilalo Parayno; Lina Longboy; Angie/Franklin Borromeo; jenny quezon; Gene Albano;; Ben Cabreros; Arnold Villafuerte; Maria Etrata;; Jean Jeremiah
Subject: Re: OFCC resolution
Thank you Madame President Edith.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2012, at 8:06 AM, "Pascua, Edith (US)" wrote:
Just to help out, here it is..ep
Oahu Filipino Community Council
Annual Convention
June 10, 2012
Philippine Counsulate Lanai
RESOLUTION 2012 ______
Past Presidents Attendance to Annual Convention
WHEREAS, the past presidents of the Oahu Filipino Community Council (OFCC)shall attend its annual convention even without any affiliation of an organization.
WHEREAS, the past presidents shall pay assessed delegate fee during its annual convention.
WHEREAS, a Council of Past Presidents delegate list shall be created during the annual convention.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the delegates of the Oahu Filipino Community Council, assemble in this convention hereby supports the resolution regarding attendance of past presidents.
Introduced by:
Council of Past Presidents
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
May 28, 2012 ----This afternoon is the scheduled for the monthly Feeding the Homeless project by Mission Day Service I organized and coordinating about 3 years now with regular volunteers. 3 new volunteers came out today in the person of Dr. Elizabeth Abinsay with Amber Abinsay, daughter of former Rep, Jun Abinsay, and Angie Santiago, president of Bulacan Circle. Other regular volunteers are: Jean Jeremiah, Fe Velasco, Larry Ramirez, Art Abinsay, Al and Rose Sabangan Jimmy and Nelia Alimboyoguen, Amado Yoro. After the feeding, Art, Jean and I have a light dinner at Zippy's across City Mill - Iwelei. Talked story about the upcoming OFCC convention - Jean Jeremiah is running for president. Neck and neck between the 2 candidates for president.........towards the end JJ' favor.
Monday, May 28, 2012
MAY 26, 2012 - SATURDAY ==========Baybee Hufana Ablan and I were assigned at FilComCenter in the Collection of all OFCC Convention forms as the May 26, 2012 6pm deadline: Forms such as Nomination, Delegates, Membership Renewal.
MAY 27, 2012 SUNDAY ======= Attended the church mass in the morning, and attended the OFCC board meeting at the Philippine Consulate Social Hall. There were 21 in attendance, clockwise from Maria Etrata, president, Edna Alikpala, Alma Caberto, director, Jean Jeremiah, director, Jake Manegdeg, Chairman of the 2012 OFCC annual Convention, Larry Ramirez, director and co-chair of convention; Connie Ramirez, guest; Jenny Quezon, unit president; Angie Santiago, Bulacan Circle; Lydia Fontes; Lynne Gutierrez, Zhoydell Magaoay, Amado Yoro, past president and co-chair for Nomination and elections, Jun Abinsay, past president, and Program Chair on convention; Danny Villaruz, Immediate Past President and Chair, Nomination and Elections, William Cudal, auditor and co-chair on convention; Faye Cudal, assistant secretary; Baybee Ablan, director, Membership co-chair and Credential; Gladys Menor, asst treasurer and Membership chair and Credential, Fe Velasco, first vice president, Liza Romualdo, treasurer.
Convention report:
41 units organizations and 126 delegates from units and plus 17 delegates for OFCC = 143. Quorum is 73.
MAY 28, 2012 MONDAY MEMORIAL DAY =====My brother Bonifacio drop in. We had a lunch with my sister, my wife, my granddaughter.
We talked about about families, and the time they came to Hawaii way back 1926, 1946, 1971 and so on...
I am in 1971 batch, my wife 1973 batch. sita and Bonifacio are batch 2005, Sept and Nov 2005, respectively.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
==========MAY 17, 2012 THURSDAY ======I attended the OFCC Convention Committee meeting a the Philippine Consulate in preparation of the June 10 annual convention------In attendance clockwise from Maria Etrata, OFCC president, Jake Manegdeg, Convention Chair, Edna Alikpala, secretary; Maggie Domingo, director; Amado Yoro, co-chair, nomination and election; Faye Cudal ast secretary; William Cudal, auditor, Larry Ramirez, director; Gladys Menor, asst treasurer, Baybee Ablan, director, Jean Jeremiah, director; Ilalo Parayno, director,Connie R.====As last year's Nomination and Election Chair, I shared some steps and procedures to be followed, and coordination with the Registration and Credential Committee; I provided them a sample copy of the color coded ballot, and the tally sheets=====Also, as a previous chair on Committee on Membership [with Larry Ramirez] we reminded the current Membership Committee chair and co-chair to make courtesy calls and reminder to the different unit president president. Personal touch as we call it in public relations, let them feel they are part and they are the director at large====Make it possible to continue the 3% goals that was set in 2007-2009, an increase both unit and delegates, gradually going up, and for better participation. Secretariat shall be more responsive and coorperative to attend the request of the Council and directors, especially those important listing and other pertainent record related to convention preparation --============After that meeting, I attended Ilocos surian Assn of Hawaii 35th Anniversary Celebration Committee at the Jessie;s Restaurant - Kalihi. Members of the committee chaired by Loida Yamamoto are davelyn Quijano, Cesar Fajardo, Bernadette Fajardo, Rose Sabangan, Al Sabangan, Amado Yoro and Danny Villaruz, president.
===========MAY 18, 2012 FRIDAY=====I joined Ron Menor Sign Waving group in Waikele. Former Senator Ron Menor is runnign for District 9 Council. Other volunteers are Eddie Agas, Sr., John Garcia, Constante Domingo, Atty Mar Apuya, Rito Saniatan, Orlando Soriano, and Mr. Bumanglag.------Canstante Domingo and Amado Yoro will prepare some materials for advertisement for the Filipino media including the 2 local Filipino owned newspaper: Hawaii Filipino Chronicle and Fil-am Courier. [NOTE: I missed the meeting by the OFCC Adminsitrative policy and Resolution Committee that was held in Honolulu]
Monday, May 14, 2012
=======MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY====As part of my health and physical maintenance, with the advise of my doctor to resume my walking exercise, after injury from December 27, 2011. Now I am no longer in crutches, though still limping as I walk, I have a 15 miles walk goal for the first 3 months a week, then, 20 miles a week for the next 6 months, then, do brisk walk-jog-run for the next 9 months, ready for WALK FOR LIFE project next January 2013. Proceed of the WFL project is for scholarship and for medical and dental mission.- under Annak ti Sinait Iti Hawaii and Sinait Alumni in partnership with Ilocos Surian Association of Hawaii.
This afternnon, I will be joining Eddie Agas, Sr. for the Cayetano for Mayor Sign Waving at Fort Weaver Road, fronting old St. Francis Hospital West, now Hawaii Medical Center. Center piece of the campaign is 50 + YOU, vote August 11. If Cayetano get a 50 % plus one vote in the primary election, no run-off necessary for the November 6, general election.
========MAY 13, 2012 ========MOTHER'S DAY. I attended the Vigan Association of Hawaii & Associates fundraising at the Rumours, Ala Moana Hotel. Part of the proceed will be for Scholarship and for the indigent families in Vigan, I've been associated with this organization since August 1983 as the formation year. I am honored and humbled to be an organizing co-director. Last March 2011, VAH gave me a "Loyalty Award" for being very supportive and always there for them. Vigan is a member of Ilocos Surian Assn of Hawaii just like our Annak Ti Sinait Iti Hawaii and the Sinait National High School Alumni Assn that I co-organized in December 13, 1997 and July 16, 1995, respectively.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Naibasa daytoy iti siimbaan iti San Pablo. Aganay a 250 ti attendance iti umuna a misa. 150 a sabong ti naited a saggaysa kadagiti inna a nakalinia iti sango ti altar kas pammendision ni Apo Randy Albano. Naibasa pay ti daniw babaen toy nagsurat. Da Carlos Viernes ken Noli Butay ti kadua ni Apo padi a nagyawat ti sabong. Ni Carlos ti presidente dagiti grupo ti lallaki, ni Noli ti bise presidente.====================
Kasano a naaddaan iti selebrasion a Mother’s day?
=========Babaen ti reperensia, adu a nasion ti mangselselebrar iti Mother’s Day. Uray datayo a Filipino, no dumteng ti kastoy nga aldaw, ikkantayo met iti panagyaman ti inatayo ken da lola gapu iti panangtaripatoda kadatayo idi ubbingtayo.
Nangrugi daytoy a selebrasion idi pay laeng un-unana wenno kadagiti kaunaan nga spring festivals.
Iti Greek mythology, ni Rhea ti maaw-awagan iti maternal goddess. Asawa ni Cronus. Ni Rhea ti ina dagiti amin a diosen ken diosa.
Iti daan a mitolohia ti Roma, iruknoy dagiti Romano daytoy nga aldaw iti diosa dagiti ina wenno ina dagiti diosa ken diosen nga isu ni Cybele. Agpaut iti tallo wenno uppat nga aldaw a selebrasion a nakasentro iti panagsubalit ken pananglagip iti panangpadakkel-panangtaripato ti ina iti/kadagiti annakna.
Sadiay England, nangrugi ti panangselebrar iti Aldaw dagiti Ina idi 1600s. Awaganda daytoy iti Mothering Sunday, nga agtinnag wenno agpetsa iti maikapat a Domingo kalpasan ti Nangina nga Aldaw.
Ditoy met United States, ni Julia Ward Howe ti kaunaan a nangisingasing iti pannakaadda iti Mother’s Day idi 1872.
Ngem maysa a babai a saan a nagbalin nga ina, ni Anna Jarvis, ti nangidaulo iti pannakapaadda iti Mother’s Day iti US. Rinugianna ti seremonia kas panangidayawna iti inana idi 1907 sadiay Grafton, West Viginia. Kalpasanna, indauluanna ti kampania iti pannakapaadda ti Naisangsangayan nga Aldaw dagiti Inna.
Ti Estado ti Virginia ti kaunaan a naaddaan iti holiday.
Idi 1914, indeklara ni President Woodrow Wilson a tunggal maikadua a Domingo ti Mayo ti panangselebrar itoy iti sibubukel a US.
Ti carnation ti sabong a napili kadaytoy a holiday wenno selebrasion. Napili ti carnation ta daytoy ti mangisimbolo iti maysa nga ina. Iti agdama, nabingayen dagiti dua a maris ti carnation: no puraw a sabong ti carnation, pimmusayen ti ina, idinto a no nalabaga, sibibiag pay laeng nga ina.
Di nagbayag, nagbalin a komersialismo ti panangrambak iti Aldaw ti Ina. Isu nga idi 1923, nangipila iti darum ni Jarvis iti kaaldawan a mismo ti Mother’s day.
Kasano a naaddaan iti selebrasion a Mother’s day?===========
Babaen ti reperensia, adu a nasion ti mangselselebrar iti Mother’s Day. Uray datayo a Filipino, no dumteng ti kastoy nga aldaw, ikkantayo met iti panagyaman ti inatayo ken da lola gapu iti panangtaripatoda kadatayo idi ubbingtayo.
Nangrugi daytoy a selebrasion idi pay laeng un-unana wenno kadagiti kaunaan nga spring festivals.
Iti Greek mythology, ni Rhea ti maaw-awagan iti maternal goddess. Asawa ni Cronus. Ni Rhea ti ina dagiti amin a diosen ken diosa.==============
Iti daan a mitolohia ti Roma, iruknoy dagiti Romano daytoy nga aldaw iti diosa dagiti ina wenno ina dagiti diosa ken diosen nga isu ni Cybele. Agpaut iti tallo wenno uppat nga aldaw a selebrasion a nakasentro iti panagsubalit ken pananglagip iti panangpadakkel-panangtaripato ti ina iti/kadagiti annakna=============
Sadiay England, nangrugi ti panangselebrar iti Aldaw dagiti Ina idi 1600s. Awaganda daytoy iti Mothering Sunday, nga agtinnag wenno agpetsa iti maikapat a Domingo kalpasan ti Nangina nga Aldaw.==============
Ditoy met United States, ni Julia Ward Howe ti kaunaan a nangisingasing iti pannakaadda iti Mother’s Day idi 1872.
Ngem maysa a babai a saan a nagbalin nga ina, ni Anna Jarvis, ti nangidaulo iti pannakapaadda iti Mother’s Day iti US. Rinugianna ti seremonia kas panangidayawna iti inana idi 1907 sadiay Grafton, West Viginia. Kalpasanna, indauluanna ti kampania iti pannakapaadda ti Naisangsangayan nga Aldaw dagiti Inna. ==============
Ti Estado ti Virginia ti kaunaan a naaddaan iti holiday.===========
Idi 1914, indeklara ni President Woodrow Wilson a tunggal maikadua a Domingo ti Mayo ti panangselebrar itoy iti sibubukel a US.
Ti carnation ti sabong a napili kadaytoy a holiday wenno selebrasion. Napili ti carnation ta daytoy ti mangisimbolo iti maysa nga ina. Iti agdama, nabingayen dagiti dua a maris ti carnation: no puraw a sabong ti carnation, pimmusayen ti ina, idinto a no nalabaga, sibibiag pay laeng nga ina. ==========
Di nagbayag, nagbalin a komersialismo ti panangrambak iti Aldaw ti Ina. Isu nga idi 1923, nangipila iti darum ni Jarvis iti kaaldawan a mismo ti Mother’s day. ================
Iti agdama, uray no nagbalinen a komersial ti parambak, saantayo a malipatan a kablaawan ti inatayo iti naimbag nga aldaw wenno Mother’s Day. Wenno saan, lagipentayo dagiti naimbag nga aldaw iti kinaaddatayo iti sidong ti nakautangantayo iti biag.
ALDAW TI INA: Rugi ken kaipapananna iti gimong ken pamilia
Amado I. Yoro
BABAI, wen, maysa a babai - INA
Aldaw Dagiti Inna ita a Domingo, Maikadua a Domingo iti bulan ti Mayo:
Kuna ni Mannaniw, ti daniw ti kapintasan a sagut iti Ina, kas iti Ina, ti duayya ken panagtagibi ken panangpadakkel iti anak ti kangayedan nga akem ti Ina.
Ti daniw ket isu ti mamaglantip ti aweng, ti ayug, ti daeg ken ti pintas ti langit ken ti daga…
Ti musika, nailaga iti daniw kadagiti riniwriw a sonata ken samiweng ti birtud ti duayya ken panangidanggay a mangisala iti anak… ti maladaga
Nasapaak a naulila iti ina iti tawenko a sangapulo ket dua. No ibagak a diak nananam ti pammateg ti inak gapu iti nasapa nga ipupusayna, dua ti akem ti amak idi naulilakami a lima nga agkakabsat.
Ti ikitko a kabsat ti amak ti kasingedan a nangtartaripato kadakami.
Ita a tawen, selebraran ti adu a nasion iti lubong ti Aldaw ti Ina iti maikadua a Domingo daytoy a bulan, nga isu ti Mayo 13, 2012. Iti Mayo laeng, adda aganay a 70 a nasion ti mangselebrar iti Aldaw dagiti Inna.
Kas maysa kadagiti kabassitan ken kapatgan a panangsubad ti ayat ti ina, maysa daytoy a daniw [anonymous author] a para ken ni INA.
• I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude
bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
• I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more
• I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting
• I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger
• I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting
• I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess
• I wish you enough hellos and aloha mabuhay until the final good-bye.
• Tarigagayak kenka iti umdas a raniag ti init a mamagtalinaed ti kinasayaat a kababalin Uray kaipapananna a kakuyog ti aglabas nga aldaw iti panagsalog
• Tarigagayak kenka ti umdas a dungngo ti tudo iti panangapresiar ti ad-adu pay nga aldaw ti init
• Tarigagayak kenka ti umdas pay a kinaragsak a mamagtalinaed iti nabiag nga espiritum iti agnanayon a panagbiagmo
• Tarigagayak kenka ti umdas pay a sanaang ti saem no dadduma isuda ti mangpadakkel wenno mangpabileg kenka ti ragsak ti biag uray iti kabassitan a ragsak
• Tarigagayak kenka ti umdas nga urnong iti gagayyem ken pagayam a mangpennek kadagiti kalikagummo
• Tarigagayak kenka ti umdas a pukaw a mangapresiar iti amin nga adda kenka iti ikutmo gapu iti kinapategda
• Tarigagayak kenka umdas a kablaaw a liwliwam a manglasat iti panagdaliasatmo kadagiti adu a kalsada ti biagmo aginggana iti maudi a panagpakada
Ita, manen a gundaway, manen ti panangipeksak iti panagrukbabko, iti panagraemko dinto mamingga
Ti ina a nanginaw, ti ina a nangkarga, ti ina a nangawit, ti ina a nangipasngay, nangtagibi, a nangtubay ti biag
Sika, Ina, Ina, a nadaeg, Ina a naindayawan.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
2012 OFCC Annual Convention will hold its annual convention at the Philippine Consullate General Social Hall on June 10, Sunday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. Pre-registration of delegates must be done before of by May 26, Saturday 6pm through their respective unit organizations that are affiliated with the Oahu Council. Delegate's fee is $55.00 that cover convention packet, lunch and refreshments.
Registrations in person of delegates will start at 7:30am on Sunday June 10, and closed at 10:00 o'clock in the morning at the Philippine Consulate. Official business hours will begin at 9 am and election of officers from president to directors will follow.
Theme of the convention is "Theme: Communication and Action with Integrity as Effective Leadership".
Steering Committee are Maria Etrata, General Chairperson; Jake Manegdeg Convention Chairperson; Gladys Menor and Baybee Hufana Ablan Co-Chairs, Registration and Credentials; Danny Villaruz, Ilalo Parayno, Amado Yoro, co-chairs, Nomination and Elections; Charlene Cuaresma and Jean Jeremiah, Co-chairs, Resolutions; Alma Caberto, Chair, Bylaws; Felipe P. Abinsay, Jr. and Jean Jeremiah, co-chairs, Panel coordinators; Danny Villaruz, Chair, Food and Refreshments; Faye Cudal, Committee Reports Coordinator; Manpower and Set-up Coordinator - Larry Ramirez. All unit presidents are reminded to submit the Membership Renewal with appropriate fees; names of registered delegates, with appropriate fees payable to OFCC. Submit nomination form before or by May 26, Saturday 6pm deadline. For drop off of forms, 2 venues are set for May 26, Saturday at FilComCenter. Waipahu, and Burger King/Dillingham Plaza, Dillingham Blve, Honolulu from 2 to 6pm.
For further informations, please call Jake Manegdeg at 524-6993; or Danny Villaruz at 778-0233 or Maria Etrata at 392-2962
Friday, May 11, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
MAY 10, 2012 -------2012 OFCC Annual Convention Committee Meeting this afternoon at 6pm at the Philippine Consulate General Conference Room. In attendance clockwise from Convention Chair Jake Manegdeg, Jean J, Baybee A, Danny V, Ilalo P, William C, Faye C., Gladys M, Connie R, Bernadette F., Amado Y., Edna A., Maria Etrata, OFCC president; Larry R.
Additional Convention Committee appointments:
General Chairperson - Maria Etrata;
Convention chairperson- Jake Manegdeg
Convention Co-chairs - William Cudal and Larry Ramirez
Registration and Credential Co-chairs- Gladys Menor and Baybee Ablan
Nominations and Elections Co-Chairs -Danny Villaruz, Ilalo Parayno, Amado Yoro
Resolutions Co-Chairs - Charlene Cuaresma and Jean Jeremiah
Bylaws Chair- Alma Caberto
Panel speakers Coordinator - Jun Abinsay and Jean Jeremiah
Food and Refreshments Coordinator - Danny Villaruz
Committee Reports Coordinator - Faye Cudal
Manpower and Set-up Coordinator - Larry Ramirez
Theme: Communication and Action with Integrity as Effective Leadership.
The Committee approved that there shall be panelists. No lunch speaker but entertainment.
Panelists - non political candidates or no sitting politicians.
Membership Committee by Gladys and Baybee will make follow-up calls to unit organization.
Nomination Committee by Danny, Ilalo and Amado will make the candidates search.
To collect the drop off forms, 2 venues are set for May 26, A. FilComCenter B. Burger King/Dillingham Plaza from 2 to 6pm.
Convention Committee scheduled meeting is Every Thursday- Philippine Consulate
Late dinner at Zippy's Vineyard: kkb: ip, jm, ay, dv, bha, jj
Thursday, May 10, 2012
MAY 10, 2012 - THURSDAY ------Drafting a letter to the OFCC legal counsel for clarification of the bylaws. I drafted the Convention Agenda. There are some Resolutions to be re-introduced regarding term of office, mandatory attendance of officers and directors to the regular monthly meeting.
I called potential cnadidates randomly.
Tonight is the 2012 OFFC ANNUAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE at the Philippine Consulate, chaired by Jake Manegdeg, co-chaired by Larry Ramirez, William Cudal, Danny Villaruz, Ilalo Parayno.
APRIL 9, 2012 - WEDNESDAY ======== I had a meeting with Larry Ramirez at Zippy's Ewa - Karayan St/Renton Road-Fort Weaver Road at 7pm. Larry is an OFCC director and the Chair for the Special Projects: Adopt a Hwy, Hawaii Food Bank and Feeding the Homeless and by request, I am helping him. He chair the float and fiesta parade committee [with my brother Ely] for the May 5 fiesta parade. I can undertand how tired they were, and, of course, though it was successful, but I just lent my ears when he unloaded his frustrations and his disappointment - as he worked so hard for it - there was lacking in it - not enough support and cooperation from those who signed up to help but did not show up at all. Constructing a float [big flatbed] for 6 candidates supposed to be riding and paraded, put all the necessary design, colorful decoration, and came out only ONE beauty was able to join the parade. Larry is a very consistent and active at OFCC and other groups such as the INCAT, PCCCH, United Laoageneous, San Nicolas Teachers Assn of Hawaii and many more. We want to see him as OFCC president but some reason, he still not convince whether he take a shot or let the OFCC be led by someone that who is not active and participative in terms of Special projects - that someone was allegedly pushed and allegedly heavily supported by certain groups. I asked him again if he consider to run, he just gave me a good smile, and with a soft and low voice: I will be retiring like you are 'padre', I want to enjoy my time with my family.=========Again, I can feel his frustation as his expectation was not met - and when credit is given - given to those who never bother to do something - tay pagsasaon: siak ti nagluto, iba ang kumain.======yaradom ta ulom kayong, dikanto latta makapudpudno. I gave him a second look, he is serious what he just uttered. I understand. It happened most of the time. Credit was not given to whom is due. Sometimes, leadership was so selective, uray no naiwamon ti taraon ta isakmolmon, patalawendaka pay la iti tugaw ! Aysusmariakospen! Ipandakan iti suli wenno ig-igid ti diding !=======Kunak iti unegko: saan met la a sisiak gayam ti malokloko. Nabang-aranak. Bagay, I just do what I can do to continue to provide my service and to work on my mission service: to do my best, for my community, my church and for God's name.====As of tonight,my role as a co-chair for Nominations and Elections for this 2012 OFCC Annual Convention - searching for candidates is what I am tryng to accomplish. OFCC leadership shall be in good hand. I still love OFCC. Its part of me since 1971 as an ordinary member of Gumil Hawaii and Ilocos Surian, Sinaitenians, and I had the opportunity to serve as 2nd vice president in 1980; 1st vice president in 1981; then OFCC president 1982. Modesty aside, I served in various committees, including but not limited to Membership, Social ACtion, Publicity, media, Sakada, Newsletter, Scholarship, Special projects and most, the Nomination and Elections Committee until this time-------As a personal passion, I say: Serving in the Spirit of Volunteerism: Do and Make a Difference---so Help me God .
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
MAY 7, 2012 ====MONDAY ====I joined the Ben Cayetano for Mayor Campaign Sign Waving volunteers headed by Eddie Agas, Sr. at the Waipahu Triangle this afternoon around 4pm to 5:15pm. Responses were so encouraging as shown to various hand signs, horn totting, and many others. I had noticed 2 'one of the thousands' 'thumbs down' out of a 1800 cars and vehicles in the left hand side of the triangle towards the Mililani, Wahiawa, Crestview, Seaview, Northshore direction. What that 2 signs translated, still a good indication thain favor of the candidate. Other volunteers today were: Lucy P, John G., Al and Rose S., and other 24 +
=========About 5:45pm---I had a meeting with the members of the OFCC Convention committee headed by Jake Manegdeg, In attendance: Jean J, Ilalo P, Danny V and myself. We focus to work on the Administrative Policy and Rsolution and other related matters include but not limited to Bylaws amendments, officers attendance, appointments procedures. As co-chair for the Nomination and Elections Committee with Danny V and Ilalo P, at home, I drafted the letter to all unit presidents [directot-at-large, inviting them to submit names of nominees to fill out the 17 open positions: namely: [1 president; 2 vice presidents; 2 secretaries, 2 treasurers, 1, auditor and a4 directors for 2 year term]. All nominees must be a registered member of the unit at least 60 days before the date of the convention [June 10], and must a be a delegate, Form must be received May 26, 2012 [14 days before the date of the convention. Next Committee meeting is set on Thursday May 10 at the Philippine Consulate General.
MAY 8, 2012====TUESDAY.====At 2pm this afternoon, I had the opportunity to have a "cup of coffee" with Bert U. and his wife Irene Garcia. Bert is past president of the United Filipino Council of Hawaii [UFCH] who served in 1986-1988, and the brainchild or the father of the Mrs, Hawaii Filipina. Under his administration, I served as Chair for Committee on Publicity and Member of the Miss Hawaii Board of Judges with then Senator Ron Menor. Bert is one of the 22 co-organizers of the Ilocos Surian Assn of Hawaii on February 27, 1977, representing Magsingal. He is poet, humorist, drama writer-producer, my co-organizer with Tri Media Council [with Pete Ramos, Elvin Quiocho, Mike Ulibas, Flor Martinez, Mario Albalos, Mario Orbito], my co-organizer of Gumil USA, with Roland Bueno, Mike Ulibas, Elvin Quiocho, Rev, Joe Lazo, Maggie Domingo, Paul Salibad, others, and my co-staff members with the Hawaii Bannawag Bureau, Inc. As sipping a hot coffee at McDo [senior citizen price for me, 86 cents - used to be 65 cents 2011]with 2+2 cream and sugar, with great aroma, we talked about community politics. How OFCC and UFCH ran and managed by different leaders with different leadership style [as a saying goes: different folks different stroke], what and who has the best, better, least memberships and accomplished projects. About 5-7 years ago, OFCC has the lowest and the UFCH now the lowest, the same person who was in OFCC then 5-7 years back.
=======We talked about the big old politician as a "high mountain", now that mountain starts eroding as an evidence of those results this mighty and giant goliath had endorsed in politics were not that successful. In short, power is lessening, and lessen, as this giant is approaching the twilight zone. with all due respect to all the services produced and delivered one would say: kudos and have a good day and with good health everyday in the hill.
One prediction we made with Bert, Irene and I: Ben Cayetano could win and if so, he will be the FIRST FILIPINO-American mayor of Honolulu. Irene by the way was also active with Ilocos Surian in the mid-80's under Albalos administration, did pageant, cultural presentations, with Sonia Lugmao, now Aranza, a successful businesswoman in the field of Public Relations and Communications resides in the mainland with her family. Lori Felipe, and others.
Monday, May 7, 2012
SUNDAY EVENING MAY 6 ====After the afternoon mass at the St. Stephen, Wahiawa, at home, after my mile evening walk, I sent emails to some community leaders/members about the search for OFCC candidate/s. Being a co-chair for the OFCC Nomination and Elections Committee with Danny Villaruz, Ilalo Parayno, as appointed by 2012 OFCC Annual convention Chair Jake Manegdeg, we have to look around who may be interested with minimum qualification and certain level of voluntary commitment. As a NEC, we have to make sure that we have enough cnadidates [volunteers] to fill the available positions from president to directorship. We have 13 slots to fill, namely: 1 president; 2 vice presidents; 2 secretaries' 2 treasurers, 1 auditor, 4 directors. [4 directors are holdover] in order to fulfill the requirements to complete the number of Board of Directors [9 elected officers and 8 directors, a total of 17] as mandated by the Bylaws. Why is it than only 13 are available, yes, because the 4 directors are holdover being elected last year's convention, and served 2 years] Candidate must be a member of a unit organization no less than 60 days before the date of the Convention on June 10-Sunday, and the unit organization must be affilited with OFCC, and a renewed membership with appropriate membership fee 24 days before the date of the June 10 convention, and that candidate must be officially nominated by another person who is a member of a unit organization affiliated with OFCC, such nomination must be received 14 days before the date of the June 10 convention.
Most questions those people I talked with, what are the functions, duties, and responsibilities of a Board of Directors [officers/directors]. I know, those questions are all stated in details in the Bylaws, but my simple and shortest answer I offered: be an officer, don't absent yourself, be an openminded person, to provide community service, volunteer work, non-compensatory, willing to serve in a certain committee, to provide full support in achieving the main goals and objectives of the OFCC, an an umbrella organization islandwide. OFCC membership now has gradually and progressively improving from 21 units, and 99 delegates in 2007, but by simple and very conservative goal setting of a 3% increase in membership as well as delegates to convention, we 40/136 ratio. I give credit to the Committee on Membership we set that 3% goal since 2007 as we chaired, and other members of the committee.
Our projection this time may not be as good as the past 5 years. We are no longer part of any committee except the convention committee and the Special projects [feed the homeless and adopt a hwy, hawaii food bank].
We will be happy to see a convention this year with at least same as last year of 38 units and 133 delegates.
Venue of the convention: Philippine Consulate General, 2433 Pali Hwy, Honolulu Hawaii 96817.
Delegate fee: $55.00 package with snack, refreshment, lunch. Danny Villaruz is in charge of the Food Committee [and he chairs the Nomination and Elections Committee with Ilalo Parayno, OFFC past president, 76, and Amado Yoro, OFCC past president, 82]
Jake Manegdeg is the General Chair for the 2012 OFCC Annual convention, a UFCH past president, 76] co-chairs: Larry Ramirez, William Cudal, Jun Abinsay, Jean Jeremiah, Administrative Policy,and Resolution committee
this coming June 10,
MAY 6, 2012 - SUNDAY. Gloria and I went to church for the 1st mass as we normally attending. As a General Chair of the upcoming 53rd Anniversary Celebration of St. Paul's Church to be held on September 1, 2012, [actual foundation of SPC is August 12, 1959], I have to be always at the church early in the morning before the mass starts at 7:30am for the Ilokano mass. I have to available and ready to answer questions, or issue tickets, advertisement forms to our members relating to the anniversary.
We have to work hard in order to attain and achieve our goals in the following areas: production of a Souvenir Book, enough advertisements and sponsorship to defray or offset the publication expenses, to have a good attendance over 500 guests, to be successful in screening a 5 Bishop's Awardee [Outstanding Members]; and others.
After the first mass, Gloria and other Womens Organization's of St. Paul's [WOSP] officers went up to the Vicar's office at the second floor to take care of some church business. Gloria is a member of WOSP, and also a member of the Bishop's Committee.
I went to Office Depot to make copies of my Chairman's Progress Report for the Bishop's Committee meeting.
After the second mass, Bishop's Committee meets at the St. Andrew Conference Room #2, second floor. Only one of the 12 members, did not show up. Fr Randy called the meeting to order, followed by an opening prayer led by the clerk[secretary]. Then report started from the WOSP president, then the LOSP [mens org] vice president, the Junior Warden [Vice president], the Bishop's Warden [president], then I did my report as Chairman of the Board of Adviser [BOA], then the Vicar report.
After the Vicar finished his report, I, being the General Chair for the 53rd Anniversary Celebration, I circulated my written report to the members. and meetingwent on so well. Meeting was adjourned in a closing prayer.
===============Gloria and I went Zippy's Vineyard and have a lunch.=============
In the afternoon, Gloria and I went to St. Stephen Church in Wahiawa for the afternnon service. St. Stephen Church is our extension to accommodate the people in Wahiawa, Mililani and Waialua area. We started the service on Sept 11, 2011.
Friday, May 4, 2012
MAY 3, 2012- THURSDAY - I attended the Community Forum by the Ben Cayetano for Mayor Campaign held at the August Ahrens Elementary School in Waipahu. Attendance approximately 300 plus from all walks of life, from grassroots to higher rank of the community. Some community leaders from different organizations. I know some of people in attendance, and the campaign volunteers like Eddie Agas, Judge Graulty, Amy Agbayani, Isabelo Palalay, Lucy Pascual, Baybee Ablan, Carlota Ader, Jean Jeremiah, Ilalo Parayno, others.
On the stage a Big banner that reads: Ben Cayetano for Mayor. You and 50% Vote August 11.
Ben's vision for our city: "Honolulu is one of the world's unique and beautiful cities. I will keep it that way and provide the leadership that will help our city's economy grow and its citizen - a city government that will remain devoted to our core values as a people, our connection to our land, to each other - and to the culture of Hawaii's indigenous people which binds us together"
His campaign depends on communities, neighborhood, and the grassroot.
He run his campaign based on his record as a public servant from 1974 as a State Representative, to State Senator, to Lt Governor, and as a full 8 years Hawaii Governor from 1994-2002. He was the first Filipino-American governor in US histroy.
He is running against the incumbent Mayor Carlisle, and the former acting mayor Caldwell. If one of the 3 will get a 50% plus 1, on August 11 primary election, there's no need a run-off on November 6 for the general election.
If elected, he will be the first Filipino-American Honolulu mayor.
After the forum, people greeted him and I had the opportunity to greet and shake hand with the big smile; there, a group picture too !.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
MAY 1, 2012 - TUESDAY =======Ilocos Surian Assn of Hawaii meeting at the Susannah Wesley Community Center.
In attendance: clockwise from President Danny Villaruz, Rose Sabangan, Al Sabangan, Amado Yoro, Cesar Fajardo, Antonio Ipalari, Bernadette Fajardo, Loida Yamamoto. No quorum.
Topics of discussion:
A. 35th Anniversary and the Re-Affirmation on August 10, 2012. To publish is Souvenir Book is an option and must be discussed some more.
B. Mrs. ISAH November 17, 2012 - need more discussion
C. 2nd Quirino Humanitarian Award - August 2013 chaired by Amado Yoro
D. Announcement> OFCC Convention June 10, 2012 Consulate General ISAH will send 6 delegates: Rose Sabangan, Loida Yamamoto, Cesar Fajardo, Amado Yoro
UFCH Convention July 27, 28, 29, 2012 Nanilooa Surf Hotel, Hilo. 3 known running for presidents: Bernadette Fajardo, Jenny Quezon, Ben Pulido.
I shared concern about the 2 candidates are both member of ISAH. Must have to do something about winning, otherwise it goes to the 3rd candidate.
I asked Fajardo if she will continue the Feeding the Homeless as an ongoing project should she wins, Said yes, Feeding the Homeless is a project I have initiated and made partnership with UFCH/OFCC, and other partner organizations and was presente and adopted by UFCH in 2010 Convention in Lahaina, Maui, and I was the Social Action Committee, when I served as Board of Governor 2009-2011,
I asked Fajardo if how she will maintain and improve the membership which is now in the decline. My concern is that it may decrease more and more like the OFCC seven-five years back. Our Membership Committee that I chaired set a goal of 3% increase each year both number of units and delegates, but now its beginning to dive, I said that they need a good pr person to work on the membership campaign.
I expressed my disappointment of the current leadership that after my term ended in July 2011, I was disconnected - out of touch and out of mind.
I am just doing the best I can do in the community service, especially the Feed the Homeless, Adopt a Hwy and the Hawaii Food Bank, for the church, community and my organizations: Ilocos Surians, Sinait and Sinait Alumni.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
APRIL 29. 2012 - SUNDAY---------Early in the morning today, My wife and I went to church as a regular Sunday activities as we both active in the Church for about 37 years now as my wife served as one of the Bishops Committee 1985-1987; and 2009 to date. She was a treasurer of the Womens Organization of St. Paul's, now a member. I am the Chairman of the Board of Advisers, General Chairman of the 53rd Anniversary Celebration Sept 1, 2012; I started in 1988 as an ordinary member, then General Chairman of the 30th Anniversary Celebration in 1989; I was elected Junior Warden [Vice President] of the Church in 1990; then appointed as Bishop's Warden [President] by Bishop Donald Hart, in 1991, reappointed by Bishop Richard Chang, thereafter, and I served until 2007.
I took the podium today to my BOA/Chair announcement for the upcoming anniversary celebration.
APRIL 30, 2012 - MONDAY. This afternoon, I joined the Cayetano for Mayor Sign Waving in front of the Hawaii Medical Center. This group is being coordinated by Eddie Agas, Sr.
About 5:30 pm, I am at the Institute for Human Services at Sumner St., to do my monthly Mission Day Service, feeding the Homeless. With me are Danny V, Jean J. Cora S. Some of my group members were not able to come due to some other commitment, and some are vacationing in the Philippines. I am the organizer and coordinator of this special project about 3 years now. Serving the community and the less fortunate is my mission, my passion and my pledge to God's serving Him aside from other projects like coordinating Hawaii Food Bank, sponsoring literary contest for the budding writer in Ilokano.
It is a good feeling to do these volunteer work. Stewardship of time, talent and treasure - in the spirit of helping others.
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