Saturday, June 29, 2013


JUNE 29, 2013 SATURDAY =======CHURCH =====Attended Mutual Review with Bishop Bob, and Rev Randy====held at the Von Holt Room...Clockwise from the Bishop Bob, Julie, Emma, Amado. Maribel, Lita, Fay, Nita, Gloria Marcelo, Amonio, Carlos, Albina, Irene, Linda, Fely and Fr. Randy.======= Priorities: Stewardship, Youth Leadership and Ask for Help========== Next meeting, Write something how the Ways and Means in these 3 Goals

Friday, June 28, 2013


JUNE 27, 2013 THURSDAY ========OFCC INSTALLATION BANQUET PLANNING COMMITTEE=====at Burger King/Dillingham. In attendance are Jean Jeremiah, Angie Santiago, Loida Yamamoto, Baybee Ablan,Mito Ablan, Ilalo Parayno, Amado Yoro Sept 15, 2013, FilComCenter $50.00 ticket. Guest speaker, Governor; Installing Officer, Consul General Juluius Torres

Monday, June 24, 2013


UFCH CONVENTION RULES AUGUST 2,3,4===== UNITED FILIPINO COUNCIL OF HAWAII 55th Annual State Convention Courtyard By Marriott - Lihue, Kauai Aug. 2,3,4, 2013 CONVENTION RULES RULE 1 ADOPTION OF RULES AND ORDER OF BUSINESS A. The formal business of the 55th Annual Convention of the United Filipino Council of Hawaii (UFCH) shall not proceed without the adoption of the Convention Rules by the majority of the delegates accredited to vote at the convention. B. Immediately after the adoption of the convention rules, the Order of Business for the Annual Convention shall be presented for adoption by a majority of the voting delegates. The Order of Business shall be the official agenda for the Convention. Upon the adoption of the Order of Business, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting delegates shall thereafter be required to amend or suspend the Order of Business. RULE 2 DELEGATE FEE A. Each delegate shall pay to the Credentials/Registration Committee a non-refundable registration fee of $195.00 on or before July 12, 2013 of which amount of $10.00 shall be credited and paid over to the UFCH treasury. B. The Credentials/Registration Committee shall observe the General Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP) in handling the registration of candidates and the monies involved. In accordance therewith, the individual assigned to collect and handle the registration fee shall be a different individual from the individual assigned to issue credentials. C. Before accreditation of voting delegates, the UFCH Treasurer or another official appointed by the UFCH President shall conduct an audit of all fees received from delegates to verify that each delegate to be certified has paid the requisite registration fee of $195.00. D. No part of the registration fee shall be refundable at any time, except under extraordinary circumstances as approved by a majority of the Credentials Committee. Any refund of the registration fee shall render void the accreditation of the delegate receiving the refund and shall disqualify said delegate from voting in any matter at the Convention, including the election of UFCH Board of Governors. RULE 3 REGISTRATION DEADLINE Registration of paid delegates shall open at 5:00pm, Friday, Aug. 2, 2013 and shall close at 11:30am, Saturday, Aug. 3, 2013. This registration deadline shall not be extended. All requisite certifications and registration fees must be submitted and received no later than said deadline (2A). Submissions after said deadline shall be void and returned. Page 1 RULE 4 CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE After the opening ceremonies of the first business meeting, the Credentials Committees shall report the number of delegates and alternates then registered with proper credentials, and shall make a supplementary report after the beginning of each day that business continues. RULE 5 NOTICE FOR ANOUNCEMENT, REPORTS AND OTHER MATERIALS A. Notice for announcement to the convention shall be in writing, signed by the person(or a proper representative of the persons) under whose authority the announcement is issued, and shall be sent to the desk of the Secretary. RULE 6 APPOINTMENTS A. The Chair shall appoint the following Convention Officers: Parliamentarian, Timekeeper, and three (3) Marshalls. B. The Parliamentarian shall advise the Convention and the Chair in resolving questions of parliamentary procedure or rules of order, and in the interpretation of the Convention Rules and applicable UFCH By-Laws provisions. C. The Timekeeper shall monitor and enforce time schedules during the Convention and time restrictions set forth in the Convention Rules. D. The Marshalls shall maintain order during the Convention, assist in counting standing/rising votes, and enforce the observance of appropriate decorum. RULE 7 REPRESENTATION A. Subject to registration requirements, the 5(five) elected officers, the nine (9) elected members of the Board of Governors and the immediate past president of the UFCH shall be delegates to the Annual convention. B. Subject to registration requirements, each island Council shall be entitled to be represented at the Convention by five (5) elected officers; provided that where an Island Council has more than five (5) elected officers, that Island Council shall select the five (5) delegates to represent it at the Convention, and provided further that the island Council president shall be included in those five (5) delegates C. Subject to registration requirements, each member unit organization of an Island Council shall be entitle to be represented at the Convention by three (3) delegates; in addition, a member unit organization shall be entitled to one (1) additional delegate for every ten(10) members, or a majority fraction thereof, it has in good standing. A major fraction shall be six(6) or more members, to be entitled to representation at the Convention, a unit organization must have been a member of an Island Council not less than thirty(30) days prior to the first day of the Convention. D. A person shall be denied accreditation as a voting delegate where he or she as accepted as a member of the unit organization less than ninety (90) days prior to the date set for the registration of delegates. Page 2 E. Subject to registration requirements, a member registered as an alternate may, upon proper clearance by the Credentials Committer, be transferred from alternate to delegate at any time during the continuance of business meetings. F. The Committee of Credentials in conjunction with the Legal Counsel shall resolve all protests, contests and disputes concerning accreditation of delegates. If unable to do some, the issue(s) presented shall be submitted to the Convention in assembly to resolve the protest. The decision of the Convention assembly shall be final. Said committee may report to the Convention in assembly as often as changing conditions may require. G. A delegate is deemed to be a registered delegate upon completion of all registration requirements set forth in Rules 2 and 3, including the proper registration in person with the Committee on Credentials, the submission of all requisite certifications, and the payment of the required registration fee. H. For purposes of identifications and floor registration, all registered delegates shall wear an official Convention badge at all times throughout the sessions. I. Only registered delegates wearing official Convention badges shall be admitted to the sessions and other formal Convention activities. J. All non-delegate members and observers may be allowed to participate in committee meetings(without voting privilege) and in workshops and panel discussions. RULE 8 QUOROM A majority of duly registered and accredited delegates shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business of the Convention. Once a Convention quorum is established prior to the adoption of the Convention rules, based upon the number of duly registered and accredited delegates at the time as reported by the Committee of Credentials, a quorum shall be deemed to be present for the remainder of the Convention, except upon voting on proposed Resolutions and any adoption, amendments, revisions or repeals of the UFCH By-laws pursuant to rule 16(e) and 17(a). RULE 9 RECOGNITION A. Before a delegate can address the convention, he/she must be recognized by the Chair. B. Only delegates with official Convention badges shall be recognized by the Chair. C. Upon being recognized by the Chair, the delegates shall clearly state his/her name, office, or position and/or by name of the organization and the Island Council for which he/she appears as a delegate before taking the floor. D. After the delegate is given the floor, he/she may not be interrupted by another delegate except for the following: 1. Question of Point of Order, Clarification or Information; 2. Objection to consideration of the question; 3. Call for the Order of the Day, and 4. Question of privilege (that call for immediate action). E. References to personalities shall not be permitted to enter into any Convention floor debate or discussion. Page 3 RULE 10 DEBATE AND DISCUSSION A. No delegate shall speak in debate more than once on the same question on the same day or longer than two minutes, without the permission of the Chair or a motion to Limit or Extend Limits of Debate granted by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the assembly. B. The chair shall first recognize the delegate who made the motion to speak in favor of the motion; and thereafter, the Chair will alternately recognize delegates who wish to speak against or for the motion. C. If the Chair recognizes that there are no other delegates desiring to speak for such side or on such subject and permits a delegate to speak again on a given side of a motion or subject, the speaker shall be limited to one minute on any motion or subject under discussion. D. Rights in regard to debate are not transferable; a delegate cannot yield any unexpired portion of his/her time to another delegate, or reserve any portion of time for a later time. If a member yields the floor before speaking his/her full two minutes, he/she is presumed to have waived his/her right to the remaining time. However, if a speaker yields to the Chair or another delegate for a Point of Information, the time consumed by the question is not charged to the speaker. Merely making an inquiry or brief suggestion is not counted as speaking in debate nor is the making of a secondary motion. RULE 11 VOTING A. No delegate shall have the right or be entitled to vote on any issue and matter which may be brought before the Convention, including the election of officers and members of the Board of Governors, unless such delegate shall have first attained the age of eighteen (18) years on the day preceding the first day on which the Convention convention convenes. B. Each accredited delegate shall be entitled and limited to cast one vote in any matter or question before the Convention. C. All voting on any issue or matter other than the election of officers and governors shall be via voice vote at all sessions of the Convention, except in cases where a voice vote has been taken with an inconclusive result and/or voting on issues or matters requiring a two- thirds (2/3) vote for adoption, then a rising/standing vote shall be the proper method. D. Notwithstanding Rule 11(C) of these Rules, the election of Officers and members other Board of Governors shall be by secret ballot. E. Unless otherwise indicated in the Convention Rules or By-laws, a majority of the votes cast shall be required to adopt a proper motion except that the following shall require a two- thirds (2/3) vote: 1. To amend or suspend the rules; 2. To make a special order; 3. To take a question out of order; 4. To object to the consideration of the question; 5. To move for previous question; and 6. To extend, limit or close debate. Page 4 F. Only voting delegates who are personally present at the time of elections on Sunday, Aug. 4,2013 voting shall be held on Sunday, Aug. 4, 2013 at a time designated by the convention agenda. If on Sunday, Aug. 4, 2013, a voting delegate is personally present, but must leave prior to the designated time period set forth by the convention agenda, ONLY upon proper authority and for good cause, a voting may cast his/her secret ballot vote prior to the designated time. G. Election of Officers and Members of the Board of Governors shall be on one ballot. Nominations shall be completed and closed before recess on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 3,2013. H. Candidates for each office shall be limited to one campaign speech of three (3) minutes, except for the presidential candidates, who shall be allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes. RULE 12 ELEGIBILITY FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE A. Only an accredited voting delegate present, and who has consented to be nominated, shall be nominated for an elective office. B. No voting delegate shall be eligible to be elected as on officer of the UFCH unless such delegate shall have been a member of a unit organization for not less than one (1) year, and which unit organization has been a bona fide member of an Island Council for a period of not less than one (1) year before such election. C. Only delegates who shall attained the age of eighteen (18) years on the day of election, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2013, shall be eligible for nomination and election as an Officer or Member of the Board of Governors. RULE 13 NO PROXY, ABSENTEE BALLOTING, VOTING BY MAIL RULE 14 CAUSUSES AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. For the purpose of clarifying or conciliating differences of opinion on any question or matter, caucuses may be call from time to time for the conduct of which the Chair may call or declare an appropriate recess. B. The report of the committee shall represent the majority of the committee. The committee chair, or secretary, or other designated committee member may present the committee report. C. A minority report shall be considered on the floor provided prior notification shall have been given to the committee involved. When the committee reports to the convention, the chair or the secretary of the committee shall make the majority report followed by the minority report and may be presented in writing or verbally. The minority report shall be acted upon first by the Convention, followed by the majority report. RULE 15 CENSURE AND EXPULSION A delegate who fails to observe or abide by these Convention Rules or proper decorum may be cautioned by the Chair or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting delegates present, be censured and/or expelled from the Convention. Page 5 RULE 16 RESOLUTIONS A. All resolutions intended to be acted upon by the Convention shall be submitted in writing to the Committee on Resolutions not later than 6:00pm, Friday, Aug. 3, 2013; provided, however, that the Chair of the Committee on Resolutions, in his/her discretion, may accept at any time after said deadline, any resolution for presentation to and consideration by the Convention. B. A resolution offered by an individual shall be in writing, signed by the maker and who shall be a delegate of the convention. All resolutions except those proposed by the Board of Governors, and all recommendations made in reports of officers or committees of the convention that are not in the form of resolution, shall be referred without debate to the Resolutions Committee; resolutions proposed by the Board of Governors or by Resolutions Committee shall be presented directly to the convention. C. Each delegate who offers a resolution shall be given an opportunity to explain it to the Resolutions Committee if he so requests. D. The Resolutions Committee shall review the resolutions and make any necessary changes as to form and substances referred to it, and shall submit to the convention, with the Committee's own recommendations as to the appropriated action, these and all other resolutions referred to the Committee, except questions which the Committee by vote of two-thirds (2/3) of its members may decide not to report. However, the convention by a majority vote may suspend this rule and may immediately consider a question, or may order the Resolutions Committee to report a question at a certain time, even if the Committee has voted not to report it. E. Adoption of the Resolutions by the convention assembly requires a proper quorum present, a majority of duly registered and accredited delegates shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business regarding resolutions. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates that represent quorum shall be required to adopt resolutions. RULE 17 AMENDMENTS, REVISIONS, and REPEALS TO BY-LAWS A. Alterations, amendments, repeals, or adoption of new by-laws require a two-thirds(2/3 vote of ALL registered and accredited delegates with voting rights to the annual convention.[Article XVII Section1] B. The proposed amendments, repeals, or adoption of new by-laws not be put to a vote before the annual convention unless such proposal have been first submitted in writing to the By- laws Revision Committee and/or Legal Counsel thirty (30) days prior to the start of the Convention; provided, however, that the thirty day requirement shall not apply if the proposed amendments are submitted by an island Council as certified by its president. by a majority vote of said committee, it shall submit the proposed amendments to a vote thereon by the annual convention. [Article XVII Section 2] RULE 18 PRECEDENCE The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the convention in all cases to which they are applicable and to the extent they are not inconsistent with the by-laws of the UFCH and these standing rules. Page 6


JUNE 24, 2013 MONDAY ADDITIONAL =======UNITED FILIPINO COUNCIL OF HAWAII 55TH ANNUAL CONVENTION COURTYARD BY MARRIOT - PADDLE ROOM AUG. 2-4, 2013 S C H E D U L E Friday, Aug.2, 2013 Saturday, Aug. 3, 2013 5:00pm - 10:00pm Registration 7:30am Breakfast Paddle Room Paddle Room *Deadline: Saturday, Aug 3, 2013 at 1100am 8:30am CONVENTION RECONVENES 5:30pm RECEPTION - Heavy Pupus Paddle Room Paddle Room Call to Order - Jenny Quezon, Pres. UFCH Invocation Introduction of UFCH Officers, Board of Anthem Governors, Island Council Presidents Approval of 2012 Convention Minutes 6:30pm CONVENTION OPENING CEREMONIES Audited Treasurer's Report Welcome Remarks - Hosting Council Pres. UFCH President's Report Island Council President's Report Welcome Message - Mayor Bernard Carvalho *Big Island Filipino Community Council *Kauai Filipino Community Council Call to Order - Jenny Quezon, President *Lanai Filipino Community Council United Filipino Council of Hawaii *Maui Filipino Community Council *Molokai Filipino Community Council Initial Report of Credential Committee *Oahu Filipino Community Council Adoption of Convention Rules Standing Committee Reports Appointments *By-Laws *Parliamentarian *Education & Scholarship *Timekeeper *Fiesta Filipina *Marshalls (3) *Health & Welfare *Adoption of Agenda *Membership *Announcement *Social Action *Ways & Means 7:00pm-10:00pm FUN NIGHT/ENTERTAINMENT *Political Action Special Committee Reports *Youth Task Force *Publicity *Filipino Community Centers *Sakadas and Elderly Affairs *Resolutions, By-Laws & Amendments 9:45am - 10:00am RECESS 10:00am - 12:00pm Panel Presentation 1. Kauai Philippine Cultural Center 4:30pm Pre-Pageant dinner Paddle Room “A Place for All” presentation 5:45pm 1st bus Transfers to Convention Hall 6:15pm 2nd bus transfer 2. Stephanie Castillo’s: Sandaan: 100 years of Filipinos 7:00pm MISS HAWAII FILIPINA PAGEANT 2013 In America 10:00PM Post Party pageant 10:30pm 1st bus transfer back to hotel 10:45pm Last bus back to hotel 11:30am CONVENTION REGISTRATION CLOSES Sunday, Aug. 3, 2013 1200PM Recess/Lunch Paddle Room 7:30am Breakfast - Paddle Room 1:00pm CONVENTION RECONVENES 8:30am CONVENTION RECONVENES *Final Report of Credential Committee 9a - 10:30am Election of Officers *Resolutions 11:30am Lunch -Paddle Room *By-Laws Amendments *Introduction of Miss Hawaii Filipina *Nominations 2013 & her court *Unfinished Business *Outgoing President's Message *New Business *Guest speaker 330pm Recess *Oath Taking *Incoming President Acceptance Speech *Announcement of 2014 Convention Site 2:00pm Adjournment


JUNE 24, 2013 MONDAY UFCH FORM United Filipino Council of Hawai‘i 55th ANNUAL CONVENTION Kauai Courtyard by Marriott Kauai, Hawaii August 2,3,4, 2013 COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS Each member unit organization of an Island Council shall be entitled to three (3) voting delegates, plus one (1) additional voting delegates for every ten (10), or fraction thereof, of its members in good standing; provided, however, that the member unit organization is a member of an Island Council for at least thirty (30) days preceding the first day of the Annual Convention. To be certified and accredited as a voting delegate, the individual member must have been accepted as member of a unit organization for at least ninety (90) days preceding the date of the scheduled convention. (UFCH By-Laws Article VI, Section 2 and 3). Convention Registration Fee is $75.00 + $45.00 for gala dinner (optional) = $120. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Deadline: June 15, 2011 Names of Delegates Title or Position Member Since 1.)_____________________________________________________________________2.)_____________________________________________________________________3.)_____________________________________________________________________4.)_____________________________________________________________________5.)_____________________________________________________________________6.)_____________________________________________________________________7.)_____________________________________________________________________8.)_____________________________________________________________________9.)_____________________________________________________________________10.)____________________________________________________________________ See Attachment A for Gala Dinner attendees. Unit Organization: __________________________ President: ___________________ Date/Year Established: ______________________ Number of Members: __________ Island Council: _____________________________ President: ___________________ We hereby certify that the above named delegates are bonafide members of said unit organization and request full accreditations as voting delegates at the 55th Annual UFCH Convention. By: ____________________________________ Send completed forms/payments to Its President and/or Date United Filipino Council of Hawaii Att’n: Charlmaine Bulosan ______________________ By: ____________________________________ Lihue, Hawaii 96766 Its Island Council President Date Phone: (808) 652-3667 Email:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

JUNE 23, 2013 SUNDAY

JUNE 23, 2013 SUNDAY -------This is from the UFCH President Jenny Quezon regarding the upcoming UFCH Convention in Kauai on Aug 2,3,4 THEME: We Are One UNITED FILIPINO COUNCIL OF HAWAII 55TH ANNUAL CONVENTION COURTYARD BY MARRIOT - PADDLE ROOM AUG. 2-4, 2013 S C H E D U L E Friday, Aug.2, 2013 Saturday, Aug. 3, 2013 5:00pm - 10:00pm Registration 7:30am Breakfast Paddle Room Paddle Room *Deadline: Saturday, Aug 3, 2013 at 1100am 8:30am CONVENTION RECONVENES 5:30pm RECEPTION - Heavy Pupus Paddle Room Paddle Room Call to Order - Jenny Quezon, Pres. UFCH Invocation Introduction of UFCH Officers, Board of Anthem Governors, Island Council Presidents Approval of 2012 Convention Minutes 6:30pm CONVENTION OPENING CEREMONIES Audited Treasurer's Report Welcome Remarks - Hosting Council Pres. UFCH President's Report Island Council President's Report Welcome Message - Mayor Bernard Carvalho *Big Island Filipino Community Council *Kauai Filipino Community Council Call to Order - Jenny Quezon, President *Lanai Filipino Community Council United Filipino Council of Hawaii *Maui Filipino Community Council *Molokai Filipino Community Council Initial Report of Credential Committee *Oahu Filipino Community Council Adoption of Convention Rules Standing Committee Reports Appointments *By-Laws *Parliamentarian *Education & Scholarship *Timekeeper *Fiesta Filipina *Marshalls (3) *Health & Welfare *Adoption of Agenda *Membership *Announcement *Social Action *Ways & Means 7:00pm-10:00pm FUN NIGHT/ENTERTAINMENT *Political Action Special Committee Reports *Youth Task Force *Publicity *Filipino Community Centers *Sakadas and Elderly Affairs *Resolutions, By-Laws & Amendments 9:45am - 10:00am RECESS 10:00am - 12:00pm Panel Presentation 1. Kauai Philippine Cultural Center 4:30pm Pre-Pageant dinner Paddle Room “A Place for All” presentation 5:45pm 1st bus Transfers to Convention Hall 6:15pm 2nd bus transfer 2. Stephanie Castillo’s: Sandaan: 100 years of Filipinos 7:00pm MISS HAWAII FILIPINA PAGEANT 2013 In America 10:00PM Post Party pageant 10:30pm 1st bus transfer back to hotel 10:45pm Last bus back to hotel 11:30am CONVENTION REGISTRATION CLOSES Sunday, Aug. 3, 2013 1200PM Recess/Lunch Paddle Room 7:30am Breakfast - Paddle Room 1:00pm CONVENTION RECONVENES 8:30am CONVENTION RECONVENES *Final Report of Credential Committee 9a - 10:30am Election of Officers *Resolutions 11:30am Lunch -Paddle Room *By-Laws Amendments *Introduction of Miss Hawaii Filipina *Nominations 2013 & her court *Unfinished Business *Outgoing President's Message *New Business *Guest speaker 330pm Recess *Oath Taking *Incoming President Acceptance Speech *Announcement of 2014 Convention Site 2:00pm Adjournment

Monday, June 17, 2013


JUNE 17, 2013 MONDAY ====TOOK the bus early to see my homeowner insurance======they did not receive yet my payment=== I paid 150.00 prop tax; 250. electric; 200 water========had brunch with KPHI DJ s Cesar Bonilla and Rose Cayanan Aquino at the Mx Dillingham=======I got home at 6:45pm

Saturday, June 15, 2013


MORE COMMENTS ABOUT THE OFCC CONVENTION JUNE 9, 2013====FROM REV ALEX VERGARA Hi Kabsat Amado, You have just led me through memory lane. Thank you for refreshing my memory of Mario Abinsay Albalos. You were both so youthful and full of guts and promises. I remember Mario and you getting into a friendly debate several times. You mentioned just a few respected mentors. They served our community well. I'm sure you also mingled with other remarkable people, namely: James Misajon, JO and Ines Cayaban, Roland Sagum, Don Alvarez...Rev. Joe Lazo...Don't forget Ambassador Minerva Jean Falcon, Ambassador Trinidad Alconcel and other Filipino diplomats. Your former pastor, the Rev. Quintero is also on my mind. Say hello to my good friend - Most Reverend Albano...========================================== This is all for now. Brother, we may be looking back with smile as well as trepidation. We also have to move forward as we enjoy our sunset years. I was so glad to see Jake Manegneg and Nash Torres still kicking and screaming...I love them both. Good for you -- gardening and harvesting the fruits of your labor. I bet you have a pretty spacious yard. I need to visit your home and learn from you regarding vegetable gardening. You also wrote a screenplay some years back. We were supposed to make it come alive. Were you ever to find your material? Till then' Alex On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Amado Yoro wrote: Corrections in RED: Diego Garcia after NOW Sorry Amado ================================================ From: Amado Yoro To: Alex Vergara ; Chulet Paco ; Jean Jeremiah ; Edith Pascua Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 11:50 AM Subject: Re: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks That was Mario Abinsay Albalos, Fr. Alex. Also an OFCC past president, a Navy Chief Petty Officer who has a tour of duty to the Diego GARCIA after his election in June 1981, hence, I was acting president since he left for duty in Sept 81, until officially resigned in Jan 82, then, by succession, I served as president until June 1982 election/convention. I arrived in Hawaii for the first time on July 30, 1971. my first involvement with organization was the Gumil Hawaii under Mrs. Saludes. The first OFCC convention I attended in June 1972, Gene Albano was reelected. Through the years, I mingled with respected leaders Rev. Dave Paco, Ric Labez, Ray Bartolome, Pete Ramos, Joe Sanidad, Diosdado Avecilla, others------ Thank you, Father - I remain as Amado: what you see in him is what you got--- I still do poetry and fiction writing, I do my humble Mission Day Service weekly at church, monthly feeding the homeless and others, as I am NOW entitle for medicare and social security pension------I tendered my yard gardenings and marunggay, tabungaw, patani, katuday, tarong to augment our daily meal. I babysit my 2 grandkids: 6yrs old boy and 16 months girl. Amado ======================================================== From: Alex Vergara To: Amado Yoro ; Chulet Paco ; Jean Jeremiah ; Edith Pascua Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 11:01 AM Subject: Re: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks I remember those years (mid '70s) when you were a very young man writing community stories, doing prose and poetry, debating with an equally talented young man (i have forgotten his name, bless his soul) and through the years you have consistently presented yourself as a decent, capable member of our community. You are a statesman and a true gentleman. When I grow up, I'd want to be just like you! Blessings, Alex ====================================== On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Edith Pascua wrote: Amen! You are good, Mr Y. You should be a Historian for OFCC. Hehehe. From: Amado Yoro [] Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 6:27 AM To: Alex Vergara; Edith Pascua Cc: Angie Santiago; Jean Jeremiah; Eddie D. Agas, Sr.; D Hartsfield;; larry ramirez; John Ramos; Danny; Jun Abinsay;; Davelyn Quijano; Loida Yamamoto; Julius Soria; Aurelio Agcaoili; Vanessa Pulido; Baybee Hufana- Ablan; Cora Salvador; Jesse Pascual; Al Rose Sabangan; Oahu Filipino Community Council;; Lucy Pascual; Charlene Cuaresma; Friends of Ilalo Parayno; Agnes Malate; ignacio torres; ART ABINSAY;;; Ben Cabreros;; Narvacan Assn of HI; Agnes Reyes; “Chulet Paco”; Jenny Quezon; BCAH - Alberto Roque; BCAH - Marcie Wong Subject: Re: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks Green fern symbolizes hope, flexibility, willing to learn new things. Congratulations, Father. Congratulations to ALL. ============ This convention was the best among the conventions 6-7 years ago in terms of units and delegates, respectively. This convention got 42 units and 169 pre-registered delegates with 144 actual delegates. THIS convention was the most attended by THIRTEEEN [13] OFCC PAST PRESIDENTS in attendance, namely 1. Ilalo Parayno [1976], 2. Amado Yoro [1982], 3. Maggie Domingo [1990], 4. Jun Abinsay [1994-1996], 5. Ben Cabreros [1997-1999], 6. Edith Pascua [1999-2001], 7. Eddie Agas, Sr. [2001-2003] 8. Jenny Quezon[2003-2004], 9. Dr. Arnold Villafuerte [2004-2005], 10. Lynne Gutierrez [2005-2007], 11. Cirvalina Longboy [2008-2009], 12. Danny Villaruz [2009-2010], 13. Maria Etrata [2010-2012] From: Alex Vergara To: Edith Pascua Cc: Angie Santiago ; Jean Jeremiah ; "Eddie D. Agas, Sr." ; D Hartsfield ; Amado Yoro ; "" ; larry ramirez ; John Ramos ; Danny ; Jun Abinsay ; "" ; Davelyn Quijano ; Loida Yamamoto ; Julius Soria ; Aurelio Agcaoili ; Vanessa Pulido ; Baybee Hufana- Ablan ; Cora Salvador ; Jesse Pascual ; Al Rose Sabangan ; Oahu Filipino Community Council <>; "" ; Lucy Pascual ; Charlene Cuaresma ; Friends of Ilalo Parayno ; Agnes Malate ; ignacio torres <>; ART ABINSAY ; "" ; "" ; Ben Cabreros ; "" ; Narvacan Assn of HI ; Agnes Reyes ; “Chulet Paco” ; Jenny Quezon ; BCAH - Alberto Roque ; BCAH - Marcie Wong Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:29 AM Subject: Re: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks Hi Edith and all, Thanks for your confidence and support... I would consider myself in your company as a new shoot similar to a very special fern for the Native Hawaiians. I took this photo at the Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island a few weeks ago and it symbolizes a new beginning as well as nurturing from the whole plant. As you already know, this fern has many uses... For us Filipinos, we've got our "pakpako"... and from the ocean, we've got the " pukpuklo" (both nourishing to the body). Enjoy lifeand enjoy what we say and do. Blessings, Alex On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 6:35 AM, Edith Pascua wrote: Neglected to Congratulate you, my nephew Ben Pulido and our very best friend Alex Vergara and to all of you, for running and winning your respective seats. From: Angie Santiago [] Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:23 AM To: Jean Jeremiah; Eddie D. Agas, Sr. Cc: D Hartsfield; Amado Yoro;; larry ramirez; John Ramos; Danny; Jun Abinsay;; Davelyn Quijano; Loida Yamamoto; Julius Soria; Aurelio Agcaoili; Vanessa Pulido; Baybee Hufana- Ablan; Cora Salvador; Jesse Pascual; Al Rose Sabangan; Oahu Filipino Community Council;; Lucy Pascual; Charlene Cuaresma; Friends of Ilalo Parayno; Agnes Malate; ignacio torres; ART ABINSAY;;; Ben Cabreros;; Narvacan Assn of HI; Agnes Reyes; Edith Pascua; Alex Vergara; “Chulet Paco”; Jenny Quezon; BCAH - Alberto Roque; BCAH - Marcie Wong Subject: Re: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks Hi everyone! Wow! What a well-planned, well-organized, and productive convention! Kudos to the outstanding, dedicated and hard-working team - the OFCC's Officers and Directors, OFCC's Legal Counsel Daisy Hartsfield, past OFCC Presidents and Officers, the members of the various convention committees, and the volunteers who put in many hours of brain-storming and sharing their ideas, talents and resources. All that resulted in a smooth, efficient, well-conducted, and well-attended convention! Congratulations to you, Jean, and to all the Officers and Directors elected and returning Directors! I personally would like express my sincere thank you to everyone for making this convention a very memorable one for me! I look forward to working together with each and everyone of you to continue the mission of the OFCC: "To promote and perpetuate the Filipino cultural heritage; to help unite all Filipino organizations for the common welfare of the Filipino community; to encourage the Filipinos to develop a strong sense of responsibility; and a greater participation for the betterment of the Filipino community and the island of Oahu as a whole." Maraming salamat po! Angie Santiago ====================================================== From: Jean Jeremiah To: "Eddie D. Agas, Sr." Cc: D Hartsfield ; Amado Yoro ; "" ; larry ramirez ; John Ramos ; Danny ; Jun Abinsay ; "" ; Davelyn Quijano ; Loida Yamamoto ; Julius Soria ; Aurelio Agcaoili ; Vanessa Pulido ; Baybee Hufana- Ablan ; Angie Santiago ; Cora Salvador ; Jesse Pascual ; Al Rose Sabangan ; Oahu Filipino Community Council <>; "" ; Lucy Pascual ; Charlene Cuaresma ; Friends of Ilalo Parayno ; Agnes Malate ; ignacio torres <>; ART ABINSAY ; "" ; "" ; Ben Cabreros ; "" ; Narvacan Assn of HI ; Agnes Reyes ; Edith Pascua ; Alex Vergara ; “Chulet Paco” ; Jenny Quezon Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 2:53 PM Subject: Re: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks =============================================== Aloha to all. My apologies for this late message. But I literally crashed last night when I got home around 7:30 pm. I guess my body finally gave in after so many late nights (sometimes sleepness nights) and woke up this morning feeling a little under the weather. Let me congratulate each and everyone for all your hard work, your time and efforts and most of all, your support, trust and confidence in me to serve you for another 12 months. A leader may have the qualities, the skills, and experience to lead but without the "right army" behind a leader, the team will not succeed. Therefore, my victory is your victory. Our mission and goals will be united and we will only move forward. There is no time to dwell on the past; it simply sets us back. But I am fully confident with the team I have and the many supporters who came forward that we can do and accomplish only what is best for OFCC and we want it to be the best Council it can be!!! ======================================================= I am really proud of you all for a job well done and honored to work with you. I have heard only positive words and high praises for our convention yesterday ...... from our legal counsel - Atty. Daisy Hartsfield ( a fantastic job well done!!!), Jake Manegdeg, Larry Ramirez, Amado Yoro, Jun Abinsay, Ilalo Parayno, Baybee Ablan, Ben Cabreros, John Ramos, Louie Fontanilla, all our marshalls, our canvassers, our set-up crew, our convention committee, Danny Villaruz (the nominations and elections was very transparent and orderly), Angie Santiago, Jenny Quezon,Julius Soria (my forever right hand), Vanessa Pulido and many more that I wish I could name them all.================================================== The Convention delegates not only witnessed my accomplishments as your President, but came to the realization that everything they saw yesterday was the result of a strong united team. Get some needed rest as well. We have a lot of work ahead of us and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you again. A big mahalo from the bottom of my heart. ======================================================= On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Eddie D. Agas, Sr. wrote: Atty., Yes it was a very successful convention . We thank for your outstanding work as being the legal adviser & a parliamentarian. Yes Jean you did good that's reason why we are there (past presidents) to help you & the council. Congratulations to you Jean & to the rest of the winners & please get involve we need everyone to make another or better year. To my fellow volunteers we made it God bless us all. Apo Amado with your suppers experience & knowledge & you always on top of it. God bless you. Tata Jake thank you for guidance & advice. Take care. Eddie Sent from my iPhone =========================================== On Jun 10, 2013, at 1:50 AM, D Hartsfield wrote: Hello All, Just wanted to take the time to acknowledge all your efforts in what I believe was a successful convention (granted this is the first one I participated in and have to compare it to). There were many by-laws that were amended during the convention and given the fact that by-laws are not often amended, I believe that the process of amending them (as well as the convention rule) was productive because of the hard work and preparation by all those that helped with it. It was also nice to see the 2013 Miss Oahu Filipina present there throughout the whole convention. I also hope that with President Jeremiah's action of reaching out to accept Past President Etrata's congratulations will quash any talk of purposeful divisiveness within the council. I believe Auditor Hufana has photos to document this unity that is expected from now on.============ Finally, thank you again to: Jake Manegdeg and Amado Yoro, Chair and Co-Chair of the Convention Committee who were able to rally everyone to help and organized all the meetings; Ben and Carmen Cabreros for allowing the committee to use St. Anthony Church's meeting room - we had a certificate framed for the church but with all the excitement at the convention failed to present it to you so please accept our apology for that; and all of you (too many to name but you know who you are) who attended the meetings, helped at the convention, shared your time and knowledge, and brought food and drinks to sustain us all when we met MARAMING SALAMAT PO!============= Until we meet again, take care and get ready for an even more successful year with OFCC. Regards from your legal counsel, Daisy -- Jean Jeremiah OFCC President 2012-2013 387-5481 -- Visit my website: http// -- Visit my website: http//

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


MORE COMMENT/S ABOUT THE JUNE 9, 2013 OFCC CONVENTION =====COMMENT FROM ANGIE SANTIAGO, NEW OFCC 1VP Re: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks Show Details Hi everyone! Wow! What a well-planned, well-organized, and productive convention! Kudos to the outstanding, dedicated and hard-working team - the OFCC's Officers and Directors, OFCC's Legal Counsel Daisy Hartsfield, past OFCC Presidents and Officers, the members of the various convention committees, and the volunteers who put in many hours of brain-storming and sharing their ideas, talents and resources. All that resulted in a smooth, efficient, well-conducted, and well-attended convention! ========= Congratulations to you, Jean, and to all the Officers and Directors elected and returning Directors! I personally would like express my sincere thank you to everyone for making this convention a very memorable one for me! ============ I look forward to working together with each and everyone of you to continue the mission of the OFCC:============ "To promote and perpetuate the Filipino cultural heritage; to help unite all Filipino organizations for the common welfare of the Filipino community; to encourage the Filipinos to develop a strong sense of responsibility; and a greater participation for the betterment of the Filipino community and the island of Oahu as a whole." Maraming salamat po! Angie Santiago=================== FROM JEAN JEREMIAH----REELECTED PRESIDENT======== From: Jean Jeremiah To: "Eddie D. Agas, Sr." Cc: D Hartsfield ; Amado Yoro ; "" ; larry ramirez ; John Ramos ; Danny ; Jun Abinsay ; "" ; Davelyn Quijano ; Loida Yamamoto ; Julius Soria ; Aurelio Agcaoili ; Vanessa Pulido ; Baybee Hufana- Ablan ; Angie Santiago ; Cora Salvador ; Jesse Pascual ; Al Rose Sabangan ; Oahu Filipino Community Council <>; "" ; Lucy Pascual ; Charlene Cuaresma ; Friends of Ilalo Parayno ; Agnes Malate ; ignacio torres <>; ART ABINSAY ; "" ; "" ; Ben Cabreros ; "" ; Narvacan Assn of HI ; Agnes Reyes ; Edith Pascua ; Alex Vergara ; “Chulet Paco” ; Jenny Quezon Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 2:53 PM Subject: Re: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks Aloha to all. My apologies for this late message. But I literally crashed last night when I got home around 7:30 pm. I guess my body finally gave in after so many late nights (sometimes sleepness nights) and woke up this morning feeling a little under the weather. Let me congratulate each and everyone for all your hard work, your time and efforts and most of all, your support, trust and confidence in me to serve you for another 12 months. A leader may have the qualities, the skills, and experience to lead but without the "right army" behind a leader, the team will not succeed. Therefore, my victory is your victory. Our mission and goals will be united and we will only move forward. There is no time to dwell on the past; it simply sets us back. But I am fully confident with the team I have and the many supporters who came forward that we can do and accomplish only what is best for OFCC and we want it to be the best Council it can be!!! I am really proud of you all for a job well done and honored to work with you. I have heard only positive words and high praises for our convention yesterday ...... from our legal counsel - Atty. Daisy Hartsfield ( a fantastic job well done!!!), Jake Manegdeg, Larry Ramirez, Amado Yoro, Jun Abinsay, Ilalo Parayno, Baybee Ablan, Ben Cabreros, John Ramos, Louie Fontanilla, all our marshalls, our canvassers, our set-up crew, our convention committee, Danny Villaruz (the nominations and elections was very transparent and orderly), Angie Santiago, Jenny Quezon,Julius Soria (my forever right hand), Vanessa Pulido and many more that I wish I could name them all. The Convention delegates not only witnessed my accomplishments as your President, but came to the realization that everything they saw yesterday was the result of a strong united team. Get some needed rest as well. We have a lot of work ahead of us and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you again. A big mahalo from the bottom of my heart. ============FROM ATTY DAISY BALAIS HARTSFIELD ====LEGAL COUNSEL===== On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Eddie D. Agas, Sr. wrote: Atty., Yes it was a very successful convention . We thank for your outstanding work as being the legal adviser & a parliamentarian. Yes Jean you did good that's reason why we are there (past presidents) to help you & the council. Congratulations to you Jean & to the rest of the winners & please get involve we need everyone to make another or better year. To my fellow volunteers we made it God bless us all. Apo Amado with your suppers experience & knowledge & you always on top of it. God bless you. Tata Jake thank you for guidance & advice. Take care. Eddie Sent from my iPhone On Jun 10, 2013, at 1:50 AM, D Hartsfield wrote: Hello All, Just wanted to take the time to acknowledge all your efforts in what I believe was a successful convention (granted this is the first one I participated in and have to compare it to). There were many by-laws that were amended during the convention and given the fact that by-laws are not often amended, I believe that the process of amending them (as well as the convention rule) was productive because of the hard work and preparation by all those that helped with it. It was also nice to see the 2013 Miss Oahu Filipina present there throughout the whole convention. I also hope that with President Jeremiah's action of reaching out to accept Past President Etrata's congratulations will quash any talk of purposeful divisiveness within the council. I believe Auditor Hufana has photos to document this unity that is expected from now on. Finally, thank you again to: Jake Manegdeg and Amado Yoro, Chair and Co-Chair of the Convention Committee who were able to rally everyone to help and organized all the meetings; Ben and Carmen Cabreros for allowing the committee to use St. Anthony Church's meeting room - we had a certificate framed for the church but with all the excitement at the convention failed to present it to you so please accept our apology for that; and all of you (too many to name but you know who you are) who attended the meetings, helped at the convention, shared your time and knowledge, and brought food and drinks to sustain us all when we met MARAMING SALAMAT PO! Until we meet again, take care and get ready for an even more successful year with OFCC. Regards from your legal counsel, Daisy


MORE COMMENT/S ABOUT JUNE 9, 2013 OFCC CONVENTION Re: THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL Show Details Dear Fellow Officers and Members, The Oahu Filipino Community Council is blessed with so many dedicated members and volunteers who are giving back to our community. Our theme this convention is: COMMITMENT. ACTION. RESPONSIBILITY. EXCELLENCE. I am asking each and everyone of you for your continued...COMMITMENT with ACTION and RESPONSIBILITY in pursuit of EXCELLENCE. Aloha and Mabuhay!!! Ben C. From: Amado Yoro To: larry ramirez , John Ramos , "" , Danny , "" , Edilberto Agas , "" , Davelyn Quijano , Jesse Pascual , "" <>, "" , Al/ Rose Sabangan , Jun ABINSAY , ART ABINSAY , "" , "" , Mario Palma , Nelia Alimboyoguen , "" , "" , Vanessa Pulido , Angie Santiago , "" , "" Date: 06/10/2013 08:24 AM Subject: Re: THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL What a G-r-e-a-t Team...... with Julius Soria a great Secretary and Convention Secretary ! and the leadership of Manong Jake 2x UFCH president Chair-75th Anniversary of Filipino Celebration Co-Chair, Filipino Centennial Celebration Commission for the Filipino 100 years celebration 2002-2006 ---- Thank you Jean Thank you ALL From: Amado Yoro To: larry ramirez ; John Ramos ; "" ; Danny ; "" ; Edilberto Agas ; "" ; Davelyn Quijano ; Jesse Pascual ; "" <>; "" ; Al/ Rose Sabangan ; Jun ABINSAY ; ART ABINSAY ; "" ; "" ; Mario Palma ; Nelia Alimboyoguen ; "" ; "" ; Vanessa Pulido ; Angie Santiago ; "" ; "" Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 8:03 AM Subject: THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL 2013 OFCC CONVENTION STEERING COMMITTEE CONVENTION COMMITTEE 2013 GENERAL OVERALL CHAIR/PRESIDENT===Jean Jeremiah CONVENTION CHAIRMAN=============Jake Manegdeg CONVENTION CO-CHAIRMEN==Larry Ramirez, John Ramos, Amado Yoro PROGRAM/LOGISTICS & PUBLICITY====Jun Abinsay, Amado Yoro NOMINATION & ELECTION===Danny Villaruz. Ben Cabreros, Larry Ramirez LEGISLATIVE ACTION=================Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez Bylaws=============Davelyn Quijano, Rhoda Alvarez SOCIAL ACTION========Dr. Ariel Agcaoili BUDGET ===========Lucy Pascual WAYS & MEANS=======Eddie Agas, Sr. FOODS & REFRESHMENTS======Danny Villaruz PA SYSTEM & ENTERTAINMENT== Eddie Agas, Sr, Jesse Pascual Manpower/Stage/Hall Set-up===Larry Ramirez, Amado Yoro, John Ramos, Ben Cabreros, Danny Villaruz, Eddie Agas, Jesse Pascual, Jake Manegdeg RESOLUTION====Jason Espero & Jake Manegdeg ADMINISTRATION POLICY======Dr. Ignacio Torres MEMBERSHIP ==Baybee Hufana Ablan, Rose Sabangan, Connie Ramirez, Carmen Cabreros BALLOTING/CANVASSING/TALLY===Al Sabangan, Art Abinsay, Ilalo Parayno, Ben Cabreros, William Cudal, Mario Palma, Nelia Alimboyoguen, Esther Pascual COORDINATING SPEAKER ====Jun Abinsay, Danny Villaruz SECRETARIAT, COMMITTEE REPORTS, Julius Soria,Loida Yamamoto,Amado Yoro REGISTRATION & CREDENTIAL ==Baybee Hufana Ablan, Julius Soria,Loida Yamamoto, Connie Ramirez, Rose Sabangan, Vanessa Pulido ALOHA & LEIS======Loida Yamamoto, Miss Oahu Filipina Court SECURITY/PARKING======Ben Cabreros, John Ramos OFCC Convention Committee Photograher----Angie Santiago PARLIAMENTARIAN/LEGAL COUNSEL= Atty. Daisy Hartsfield ============ This convention was the best among the conventions after the great decline 2006-2007 of 65/108 and 22/91 units and delegates, respectively. This convention got 42 units and 169 pre-registered delegates with 144 actual delegates. THIS convention was the most attended by THIRTEEEN [13] OFCC PAST PRESIDENTS from 1. Ilalo Parayno [1976], 2. Amado Yoro [1982], 3. Maggie Domingo [1990], 4. Jun Abinsay [1994-1996], 5. Ben Cabreros [1997-1999], 6. Edith Pascua [1999-2001], 7. Eddie Agas, Sr. [2001-2003] 8. Jenny Quezon[2003-2004], 9. Dr. Arnold Villafuerte [2004-2005], 10. Lynne Gutierrez [2005-2007], 11. Cirvalina Longboy [2008-2009], 12. Danny Villaruz [2009-2010], 13. Maria Etrata [2010-2012] JUNE 9, 2013 SUNDAY OFCC CONVENTION ===Philippine Consulate General =ELECTION RESULT: 144 delegates from the 169 preregistered delegates 143 votes cast President Jean Jeremiah= 92== Bernadette Fajardo= 49 Vice president==== Angie Santiago= 82, 1vp=== Rhoda Alvarez=69 2vp== Romeo Garcia== 53==== Secretary=== Loida Yamamoto===82=== Cesar Caoili===58== Asst Secretary== Eleanor Bru===75=== Rose Aquino===55== Treasurer==== Luz Pierson====68== Conrad Abuel==67== Asst treasurer==== Ben Pulido====78== Jesse Pascual===60== Auditor== Baybee Ablan===96=== Wil Estrada===46== Directors [2yrs] Rev. Alex Vergara==106== Cesar Bonilla==100== Hermie Pagaduan===87== Lydia Agustin===82=== Holdover Eddie Bueno Rossi Patton Davelyn Quijano Ignacio Torres Installed by Consul General Julius Torres Other guests: Luncheon speaker, Dr. Erlinda M. Cachola, Mr. Jerry Silva, Rep. Romy Cachola, Councilmember Ron Menor, Toy Arre, AARP, MISS OAHU FILIPINA ERIKA ORDONEZ, Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Jennifer Ordonez, parents, ======00000=== Parliamentarian- Atty. Daisy Lynn B. Hartsfield Timekeeper- Larry Ramirez Marshalls: Eddie Agas, Sr., Louie Funtanilla, Charlie Ramos, Alberto Roque, Cesar Fajardo Ballot Canvassers: 1. Art Abinsay 2. Nelia Alimboyoguen 3. Ben Cabreros 4. William Cudal 5. Ilalo Parayno 6. Al Sabangan 7. Mario Palma 8. Esther Pascual


COMMENT/S ABOUT THE JUNE 9, 2013 OFCC CONVENTION RE: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks Hide Details Congratulations Jean and to all the new officers of OFCC! Powerful words of responsibility, accountability and integrity has been consistent in your mission as a leader. You got my support. I am hopeful for another year of a trustworthy administration. Thank you for continuing to champion for change and lead the Filipino community. Keep up the good work. Let me know how I can help. Aloha agnes Agnes Reyes, RN, CMC Executive Administrator Case Management Professionals, Inc. “Where Caring is a Pleasure” Main Office: Oahu- 94-910 Moloalo St. Waipahu, HI 96797 Big Island - 122 Haili St. Hilo Hawaii 96720 Phone: 808- 689-1937 ext. 112 Fax: 808- 689- 1933 E-mail: Website: E-MAIL Confidentiality Disclosure: The information contained in this e-mail is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any viewing, dissemination, distribution or copy of this email message is strictly prohibited. If you have received and/or are viewing this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this email from your system. Thank you. From: Jean Jeremiah [] Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 11:54 AM To: Eddie D. Agas, Sr. Cc: D Hartsfield; Amado Yoro;; larry ramirez; John Ramos; Danny; Jun Abinsay;; Davelyn Quijano; Loida Yamamoto; Julius Soria; Aurelio Agcaoili; Vanessa Pulido; Baybee Hufana- Ablan; Angie Santiago; Cora Salvador; Jesse Pascual; Al Rose Sabangan; Oahu Filipino Community Council;; Lucy Pascual; Charlene Cuaresma; Friends of Ilalo Parayno; Agnes Malate; ignacio torres; ART ABINSAY;;; Ben Cabreros;; Narvacan Assn of HI; Agnes Reyes; Edith Pascua; Alex Vergara; “Chulet Paco”; Jenny Quezon Subject: Re: OFCC Annual Convention Thanks Aloha to all. My apologies for this late message. But I literally crashed last night when I got home around 7:30 pm. I guess my body finally gave in after so many late nights (sometimes sleepness nights) and woke up this morning feeling a little under the weather. Let me congratulate each and everyone for all your hard work, your time and efforts and most of all, your support, trust and confidence in me to serve you for another 12 months. A leader may have the qualities, the skills, and experience to lead but without the "right army" behind a leader, the team will not succeed. Therefore, my victory is your victory. Our mission and goals will be united and we will only move forward. There is no time to dwell on the past; it simply sets us back. But I am fully confident with the team I have and the many supporters who came forward that we can do and accomplish only what is best for OFCC and we want it to be the best Council it can be!!! I am really proud of you all for a job well done and honored to work with you. I have heard only positive words and high praises for our convention yesterday ...... from our legal counsel - Atty. Daisy Hartsfield ( a fantastic job well done!!!), Jake Manegdeg, Larry Ramirez, Amado Yoro, Jun Abinsay, Ilalo Parayno, Baybee Ablan, Ben Cabreros, John Ramos, Louie Fontanilla, all our marshalls, our canvassers, our set-up crew, our convention committee, Danny Villaruz (the nominations and elections was very transparent and orderly), Angie Santiago, Jenny Quezon,Julius Soria (my forever right hand), Vanessa Pulido and many more that I wish I could name them all. The Convention delegates not only witnessed my accomplishments as your President, but came to the realization that everything they saw yesterday was the result of a strong united team. Get some needed rest as well. We have a lot of work ahead of us and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you again. A big mahalo from the bottom of my heart. On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Eddie D. Agas, Sr. wrote: Atty., Yes it was a very successful convention . We thank for your outstanding work as being the legal adviser & a parliamentarian. Yes Jean you did good that's reason why we are there (past presidents) to help you & the council. Congratulations to you Jean & to the rest of the winners & please get involve we need everyone to make another or better year. To my fellow volunteers we made it God bless us all. Apo Amado with your suppers experience & knowledge & you always on top of it. God bless you. Tata Jake thank you for guidance & advice. Take care. Eddie Sent from my iPhone On Jun 10, 2013, at 1:50 AM, D Hartsfield wrote: Hello All, Just wanted to take the time to acknowledge all your efforts in what I believe was a successful convention (granted this is the first one I participated in and have to compare it to). There were many by-laws that were amended during the convention and given the fact that by-laws are not often amended, I believe that the process of amending them (as well as the convention rule) was productive because of the hard work and preparation by all those that helped with it. It was also nice to see the 2013 Miss Oahu Filipina present there throughout the whole convention. I also hope that with President Jeremiah's action of reaching out to accept Past President Etrata's congratulations will quash any talk of purposeful divisiveness within the council. I believe Auditor Hufana has photos to document this unity that is expected from now on. Finally, thank you again to: Jake Manegdeg and Amado Yoro, Chair and Co-Chair of the Convention Committee who were able to rally everyone to help and organized all the meetings; Ben and Carmen Cabreros for allowing the committee to use St. Anthony Church's meeting room - we had a certificate framed for the church but with all the excitement at the convention failed to present it to you so please accept our apology for that; and all of you (too many to name but you know who you are) who attended the meetings, helped at the convention, shared your time and knowledge, and brought food and drinks to sustain us all when we met MARAMING SALAMAT PO! Until we meet again, take care and get ready for an even more successful year with OFCC. Regards from your legal counsel, Daisy -- Jean Jeremiah OFCC President 2012-2013 387-5481

Monday, June 10, 2013


2009 LISTING OF FILIPINO ORGANIZATIONS IN OAHU P.O. Box 17531 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817-0531 Tel. (808) 735-0663 Aloha Sagibsib Cultural Foundation of Hawaii Annak ti Badoc iti Hawaii Annak ti Batac of Hawaii Annak ti Caoayan Annak ti Sinait iti Hawaii Badoc-Pinili Aid Association of Hawaii Bani-Pangasinan Association of Hawaii Banna Association of Hawaii Binalonan Club of Hawaii Bulacan Circle of Hawaii Burgos, I.N. Ass'n of Hawaii Caballeros de Dimasalang Cabugao Sons & Daughters Association of Hawaii Cagayan Valley Association of Hawaii Caoayan Ilocos Sur Association of Hawaii Dingras Association of Hawaii Fil-Am Sports USA Fil-American Citizens League Filipino Business Women's Association Filipino Nurses Organization of Hawaii Filipino Women's Civic Club GUMIL Hawaii Happy Go Lucky Community Association of Hawaii Hawaii Council of Bilingual Educators Hawaii Fil-American Association Hawaii Filipino Women's Club Ilocos Norteneans of America Ilocos Surian Association of Hawaii INCAT Alumni Association of Hawaii International Filipino Society of Hawaii Kabugao International Association Kalayaan Philippines-Hawaii International Kalihi Ballroom Narvacan Association of Hawaii Nueva Vizcaya Association of Hawaii Paoay Currimao Hawaii Organization Pasuquinio Association of Hawaii Philippine Cultural Foundation Philippine Nurses Association-Hawaii Samar-Leyte Association Sampaguita Association of Hawaii Sanchez Mira Association of Hawaii San Nicolas Goodwill Foundation of Hawaii San Nicolaneos USA, Inc. San Nicolas National High School Alumni Association of Hawaii San Nicolas Teachers Association Santa Marians of Hawaii Sarrat Association of Hawaii Sarrat International Inc. Siwawer International Hawaii Sunflower Club International Tarlac Mutual Club of Hawaii The Rosalenians of Hawaii Tri-Star Line Dance Group United Bacarreneos of Hawaii United Banguinians of Hawaii United Group of Home Operators United Laoagueños of Hawaii United Pangasinan of Hawaii United Vintarinians of Hawaii


REPOST WITH ADDITIONAL INFO Home > Articles Main Page > Article AUTHOR Amado I. Yoro iCom page Amado I. Yoro Online Result of the ofcc convention and election of officers june 9, 2013 06/10/2013 Re: THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL What a G-r-e-a-t Team...... with Julius Soria a great Secretary and Convention Secretary ! and the leadership of Manong Jake 2x UFCH president Chair-75th Anniversary of Filipino Celebration Co-Chair, Filipino Centennial Celebration Commission for the Filipino 100 years celebration 2002-2006 ---- Thank you Jean Thank you ALL THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL 2013 OFCC CONVENTION STEERING COMMITTEE CONVENTION COMMITTEE 2013 GENERAL OVERALL CHAIR/PRESIDENT===Jean Jeremiah CONVENTION CHAIRMAN=============Jake Manegdeg CONVENTION CO-CHAIRMEN==Larry Ramirez, John Ramos, Amado Yoro PROGRAM/LOGISTICS & PUBLICITY====Jun Abinsay, Amado Yoro NOMINATION & ELECTION===Danny Villaruz. Ben Cabreros, Larry Ramirez LEGISLATIVE ACTION=================Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez Bylaws=============Davelyn Quijano, Rhoda Alvarez SOCIAL ACTION========Dr. Ariel Agcaoili BUDGET ===========Lucy Pascual WAYS & MEANS=======Eddie Agas, Sr. FOODS & REFRESHMENTS======Danny Villaruz PA SYSTEM & ENTERTAINMENT== Eddie Agas, Sr, Jesse Pascual Manpower/Stage/Hall Set-up===Larry Ramirez, Amado Yoro, John Ramos, Ben Cabreros, Danny Villaruz, Eddie Agas, Jesse Pascual, Jake Manegdeg RESOLUTION====Jason Espero & Jake Manegdeg ADMINISTRATION POLICY======Dr. Ignacio Torres MEMBERSHIP ==Baybee Hufana Ablan, Rose Sabangan, Connie Ramirez, Carmen Cabreros BALLOTING/CANVASSING/TALLY===Al Sabangan, Art Abinsay, Ilalo Parayno, Ben Cabreros, William Cudal, Mario Palma, Nelia Alimboyoguen, Esther Pascual COORDINATING SPEAKER ====Jun Abinsay, Danny Villaruz SECRETARIAT, COMMITTEE REPORTS, Julius Soria,Loida Yamamoto,Amado Yoro REGISTRATION & CREDENTIAL ==Baybee Hufana Ablan, Julius Soria,Loida Yamamoto, Connie Ramirez, Rose Sabangan, Vanessa Pulido ALOHA & LEIS======Loida Yamamoto, Miss Oahu Filipina Court SECURITY/PARKING======Ben Cabreros, John Ramos OFCC Convention Committee Photograher----Angie Santiago PARLIAMENTARIAN/LEGAL COUNSEL= Atty. Daisy Hartsfield ============ This convention was the best among the conventions after the great decline 2006-2007 of 65/108 and 22/91 units and delegates, respectively. This convention got 42 units and 169 pre-registered delegates with 144 actual delegates. THIS convention was the most attended by THIRTEEEN [13] OFCC PAST PRESIDENTS from Ilalo Parayno [1976], Amado Yoro [1982], Maggie Domingo [1990], Jun Abinsay [1994-1996], Ben Cabreros [1997-1999], Edith Pascua [1999-2001], Eddie Agas, Sr. [2001-2003] Jenny Quezon[2003-2004], Dr. Arnold Villafuerte [2004-2005], Lynne Gutierrez [2005-2007], Cirvalina Longboy [2008-2009], Danny Villaruz [2009-2010], Maria Etrata [2010-2012] JUNE 9, 2013 SUNDAY OFCC CONVENTION ===Philippine Consulate General =ELECTION RESULT: 144 delegates from the 169 preregistered delegates 143 votes cast President Jean Jeremiah= 92== winner Bernadette Fajardo= 49 Vice president==== Angie Santiago= 82, 1vp=== winner Rhoda Alvarez=69 2vp== winner Romeo Garcia== 53==== Secretary=== Loida Yamamoto===82==winner = Cesar Caoili===58== Asst Secretary== Eleanor Bru===75==winner = Rose Aquino===55== Treasurer==== Luz Pierson====68==winner Conrad Abuel==67== Asst treasurer==== Ben Pulido====78==winner Jesse Pascual===60== Auditor== Baybee Ablan===96==winner= Wil Estrada===46== Directors [2yrs] Rev. Alex Vergara==106== winner Cesar Bonilla==100== winner Hermie Pagaduan===87== winner Lydia Agustin===82=== winner Holdover Eddie Bueno Rossi Patton Davelyn Quijano Dr. Ignacio Torres Installed by Consul General Julius Torres Other guests: Luncheon speaker, Dr. Erlinda M. Cachola, Mr. Jerry Silva, Rep. Romy Cachola, Councilmember Ron Menor, Toy Arre, AARP, MISS OAHU FILIPINA ERIKA ORDONEZ, Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Jennifer Ordonez, parents, ======00000=== Parliamentarian- Atty. Daisy Lynn B. Hartsfield Timekeeper- Larry Ramirez Marshalls: Eddie Agas, Sr., Louie Funtanilla, Charlie Ramos, Alberto Roque, Cesar Fajardo Ballot Canvassers: Art Abinsay Nelia Alimboyoguen Ben Cabreros William Cudal Ilalo Parayno Al Sabangan Mario Palma Esther Pascual Watchers during the counting For Bernadette- Maria Etrata and Paul Alimbuyao For Jean - Julius Soria and Jenny Quezon


June 9, 2013 SUNDAY======This convention was the best among the convention after the great decline 2006-2007 of 65/108 and 22/91 units and delegates, respectively under LG leadership. this convention got 42 units and 144 actual delegates. THIS convention was the most attended by THIRTEEN [13] OFCC PAST PRESIDENTS from Ilalo Parayno [1976], Amado Yoro [1982], Maggie Domingo [1990], Jun Abinsay [1994-1996], Ben Cabreros [1997-1999], Edith Pascua [1999-2001], Eddie Agas, Sr. [2001-2003] Jenny Quezon[2003-2004], Dr. Arnold Villafuerte [2004-2005], Lynne Gutierrez [2005-2007], Cirvalina Longboy [2008-2009], Danny Villaruz [2009-2010], Maria Etrata [2010-2012] ==========169 pre-registered delegates but only 144 actual attendance, only 143 votes cast. In Attendance: Consul General Julius Torres, Councilmember Ron Menor, Rep. Romy Cachola, Jerry Silva, Toy Arre, Miss Oahu Filipina Erika Ordonez and parents, I was humbled and honored to be the Co-Chair of the Convention with Larry Ramirez, John Ramos, Danny Villaruz, Ben Cabreros, Eddie Agas, Jesse Pascual, others. My prediction that Jean Jeremiah win for a double digits has been proven again.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


JUNE 9, 2013 SUNDAY OFCC CONVENTION ===Philippine Consulate General =ELECTION RESULT: 144 delegates from the 169 preregistered delegates 143 votes cast Jean Jeremiah= 92== Bernadette Fajardo= 49 Vice president==== Angie Santiago= 82=== Rhoda Alvarez=69== Romeo Garcia== 53==== Secretary=== Loida Yamamoto===82=== Cesar Caoili===58== Asst Secretary== Eleanor Bru===75=== Rose Aquino===55== Treasurer==== Luz Pierson====68== Conrad Abuel==67== Asst treasurer==== Ben Pulido====78== Jesse Pascual===60== Auditor== Baybee Ablan===96=== Wil Estrada===46== Directors [2yrs] Rev. Alex Vergara==106== Cesar Bonilla==100== Hermie Pagaduan===87== Lydia Agustin===82=== Holdover Eddie Bueno Rossi Patton Davelyn Quijano Ignacio Torres Installed by Consul General Julius Torres


JUNE 8, 2013 SATURDAY ====== RE: OFCC matters=====this morning I went to Sam printing shop to edit/correct the program/agenda for June 9 convention======this afternoon at the Consulate set up tables and chairs with the crew: Jake, Eddie, John Ramos, Danny. Jesse=====after the set up Jake, Eddie , Jesse and I had a coffee hour at McDonald Liliha/Nuuannu. Jake treat he said.

Friday, June 7, 2013


JUNE 6, 2013 THURSDAY =======OFCC CONVENTION COMMITTEE COLLATING - continuation-----in attendance are Jake, Jun, Nash, Ben, Carmen, Jean, Art, St Anthony -------June 9, 2013 173 delegates

Thursday, June 6, 2013


JUNE 5, 2013 WEDNESDAY =======OFCC CONVENTION COMMITTEE FINAL/COLLATING- In attendance, Jean Jeremiah, Jake Manegdeg, John Ramos, Ben Cabreros, Carmen Cabreros, Larry Ramirez, Connie Ramirez, Jun Abinsay, Danny Villaruz, Eddie Agas, Art Abinsay, Jesse Pascual, Daisy Hartsfield, Angie Santiago, Al Sabangan, Rose Sabangan, Vanessa Pulido, Raizza Pulido, Ilalo Parayno, Julius Soria, Loida Alimboyogeun, Art Abinsay, Nas Torres, Baybee Ablan, Mito Ablan, Amado Yoro PAST PRESIDENTS 1. Ilalo Parayno 2. Amado Yoro 3. Jun Sbinsay 4. Ben Cabreros 5. Eddie Agas 6. Danny Villaruz Food Committee: Danny, Eddie, Jesse, Angie, Jean, Carmen, Ben, others

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


JUNE 4, 2013 TUESDAY======COMMUNITY///ISAH MEETING====SUSANNAH WESLEY COMMUNITY CENTER=====Attendance, clockwise from Danny Villaruz, Rose Sabangan, Mercedes Sonico, Al Sabangan, Art Abinsay, Jenny Quezon, Alice Castaneda, Amado Yoro, Estrella Taong, Paul Taong, Dr. Torres.==========Talked about Membership Drive, Scholarship eval, Ways & Means, Bylaws=======


PARBANGON TI MIERKOLES HUNIO 5, 2013 ALAS TRES TI AGDUNGDUNGSA KEN AGSUYSUYAAB A PARBANGON-------DAGITI BINATOGMI ITI FACEBOOK KEN NI DR. AURELIO SOLVER AGCAOILI-----wenno lungao--------- Amado Yoro Agbiagka, agbiagka, apo lungao---ibayog ti kultural, imula dagiti bukel ti saluyot 41 minutes ago · Like · 1 Aurelio Solver Agcaoili Am trying to get inspiration from all of my great ancestors, manong. Dr JR included. The only way is to retrace his foosteps and imagine I am around as one of his disciples. He wrote some portions of his Gramatika Tagalog over here, I presume, when he had those rich exchanges with Dr Ferdz (not Dr Ferdinand N Cortez) Blumentritt. Am right up here getting all the inspiration, or psychic myself up to catch all those energies I need. 38 minutes ago · Edited · Like=================== Amado Yoro keep up your mission a great success apo lungao---agtubonto a di agsarimadeng dagiti maiwaris a bukbukel iti kadam-egan------saludoak manen kenka---you always walk and talk along the way---adu ti maparaburam 38 minutes ago · Like · 1==================== Aurelio Solver Agcaoili Taking it from you--thank you, manongko aya. Immalaak kadakayo, uray laeng anniniwan. Sapay koma ta makapudno datao. 37 minutes ago · Like ================= Amado Yoro saan nga anniniwan, pisikal a bagi, kararua ken puso ti magmagna kadagiti desdes a daldalanenyo ita, nakalawlawan daytoy lubongmo------gapu iti ina ken bukod a pagsasao ken kultura, 33 minutes ago · Like===================== Amado Yoro Daytoy ti Kartapilus nga Ilokano======= AUTHOR Amado I. Yoro iCom page Daniw Kartapilus nga ilokano 02/04/2009 KARTAPILUS NGA ILOKANO Nov. 28, 2008 10:15am Magnaka, wen, magnaka a saan nga agressat Awitem ti krusmo; ti kinataom a sika ni naan-anay========== Saan a mawmaw ti balikas ayatmo la a makaaddang-kumamat ti ipagarupmo a lumba============= Piliem dagiti iwarasmo a balikas iti sidiran dagiti dalan Pandaymo a balikas saan iti sabali a pasnaan================ Iti panagsawar iti kallautang nga Ilokano Igpilam ti pudno a kaipapanan ti Samtoy============= Imulam ti Samtoy ken saluyot a pudno a sika Ti hardin ti ayat iti maitukit a bukel a pagramutam============== Saan a kaadu dagiti maiwarsi a bukel ti pakarukodan Saan la a dagiti nakatubo; dagiti laeng nabun-as a bunga============== Ti aramid marukod iti bileg ken balor ti tugot Saan ket a dagiti naiwarikawak limbang a ruruot============ Kitaem a saan a piduten ti ima dagiti managlemmeng Ket piduten koma a mayallatiw iti nadamdam-eg a muging============= Kartapilus a nagtawataw kadagiti langalang Ket iti pannakakitam iti kinapudno ditoy nagkurosan============ Taliawem: nagtubo kadi dagita a bukel Natayda kadi a linabsan ti mata dagiti nagwidawid iti kawaw a pannagna=========== Dinto maartapan ti nasarakam a bubon Dagiti balikas da Solomon ken Jacob Dagiti propeta ta saanka a kas kadakuada A dimo iparis ti bagim ta pudno a nagnada iti daga Ti Judea ti Jerusalem A kimmuyog kenkuana.============= Ngem sika ti puro nga Ilokano - nagdaliasat ken nagaliwaksay iti nawada a sirok ti langit Imulam dagiti bukel ti saluyot ken kinaasinom Sinilong a pagmulaan ditoy kas kadam-eg ti puso a managayat ken managsawar dagiti agbirbirok ti siping iti kinasiasino toy sariugma ken duogen a ramut ti kaputotan. 21 minutes ago · Like===================== Amado Yoro maysa kadagiti 3 a daniw a nangabak iti MAIKADUA A GUNGGONA iti SELACA Poetry writing nga inangay ti TMI-Phil ken Timpuyog Journal---naangay ti awarding ceremonies idiay MMSU, Laoag City, May 25 ngem saanak a nagawid gapu iti kumikom nga isagsaganatayo iti OFCC convention a maangay no Hunio 9 17 minutes ago · Like ============================= Amado Yoro OFCC convention Hunio 9? wen, agapurakami ita kada Dr. Julius Soria nga ayudantem iti Nakem Conference---nga agurnos kadagiti Standing/Special committee report due tomorrow until Friday for the collating and placing in the convention packet----please, no maisingaymo iti 15 strokes of your finger- click and transmit your Social Action Committee report to me or Julius-----only if your tight schedules permot you to do it----ty=======================

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


POSTING HUNIO 4, 2013 MARTES=======Nakasaganan ti Kombension ti OFCC Intono Hunio 9 Amado I. Yoro Ni Dr. Erlinda Cachola ti napusgan nga agsarita iti tinawen a kombension ti OFCC a maangay iti Philippine Consulate General Social Hall, intono Hunio 9. Prominente ken mabigbig a lider ti komunidad. ===== Graduado iti medisina iti University of the East and Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center ken nabayagen a practicing doctor of Internal medicine iti Honolulu. ==== Natenneb iti padas a kas master dagiti toastmasters ken public speaking. ===== Binigbig ti Filipino Chamber of Commerce kas Entrepreneur of the Year, maysa kadagiti immun-una a Filipino a bingibig ken pinadayawan ti American Institute in Public Service ken Honolulu Advertiser a kas Thomas Jefferson Awardee gapu ta maysa kadagiti mabigbig a Top Outstanding Volunteers of the Year iti panagserbina iti komunidad.======= Ti TJA ti kangatuan a pammadayaw nga ited ti AIPS ken Honolulu Advertiser. Sakupen ti saritaen ni Cachola iti===== Commitment. Action. Responsibility for Excellence kas tema ti kombension. =====Ti panangiturong ken panangitungpal kadagiti proyekto ti maysa a gunglo. ========================= Manglukat ti kombension iti alas siete y media a panagrehistro dagiti delegado. Luktanto ni Jean Jeremiah, OFCC president, kumablaaw ni Jake Manegdeg a pangulo ti kombension. Agreport ti presidente, tesorera ken dagiti nadumaduma a komite. Agsaritanto ti pannakabagi ti AARP.====== Maangayto ti eleksion dagiti baro nga opisial ti OFCC.============== =====0000====== Iti sabali a bangir, ni ERIKA ORDONEZ, NABALANGATAN A BARO A MISS OAHU FILIPINA 2013-2014. Sakbay nga inawat ken inawitna ti korona, inabakna dagiti lima a kategoria a Miss Popularity, Best in Terno, Best in Interview, Best in Talent, Best in Speech. Kasta ti resulta ti Miss Oahu Filipina Scholarship Pageant a naangay idi rabii ti Sabado Hunio 1, idiay Ala Moana Hotel. 1st runner up - Kassandra Bongolan; 2nd runner up - Cherylene Reyes, Miss Congeniality - Cherylene Reyes, Miss Photogenic - Cherylene Reyes.Da Larry ken Jennifer Ordonez ti nagannak ken ni Erika. Tubo ti San Esteban, Ilocos Sur ni Larry Ordonez, radio personality ken nagtv producer iti Perlas USA ken Filipino Fiesta. Agpada a negosiante da Larry ken Jennifer Ordonez. Agnaedda iti Mililani Hawaii.===================== Ni Armi Oliver Farinas, dati a Mrs. Hawaii Filipina ken presidente ti Magsingal Association of Hawaii, ti chairperson daytoy a pabuya. Inaramidko amin a kabaelak tapno agballigi daytoy a proyekto, kinunana. Agyaman unay kadagiti esponsors ken dagiti sibubukel a kameng ti komite. Agyaman met ni Jean Jeremiah, presidente ti Oahu Filipino Community Council iti sibubukel a komunidad iti suportada itoy a programa ti OFCC.=====

Monday, June 3, 2013


ERIKA ORDONEZ, NABALANGATAN A BARO A MISS OAHU FILIPINA 2013-2014 =========Ne, lima a kategoria pati korona ket inawit ni Erika Kasta ti resulta ti Miss Oahu Filipina Scholarship Pageant a naangay idi rabii ti Sabado Hunio 1, idiay Ala Moana Hotel.======= Daytoy ti inabak ni Erika Ordonez a kategoria: Miss Popularity, Best in Terno, Best in Interview, Best in Talent, Best in Speech- sa inawitna ti korona.====== 1st runner up - Kassandra Bongolan====== 2nd runner up - Cherylene Reyes ======= Miss Congeniality - Cherylene Reyes===== Miss Photogenic - Cherylene Reyes======= Anak da Larry ken Jennifer Ordonez ni Erika. Tubo ti San Esteban, Ilocos Sur ni Larry Ordonez, radio personality ken nagtv producer iti Perlas USA ken Filipino Fiesta. Agpada a negosiante da Larry ken Jennifer Ordonez. Agnaedda iti Mililani Hawaii.======== Ni Armi Oliver Farinas, dati a Mrs. Hawaii Filipina ken presidente ti Magsingal Association of Hawaii, ti chairperson daytoy a pabuya. Inaramidko amin a kabaelak tapno agballigi daytoy a proyekto, kinunana. Agyaman unay kadagiti esponsors ken dagiti sibubukel a kameng ti komite. Agyaman met ni Jean Jeremiah, presidente ti Oahu Filipino Community Council iti sibubukel a komunidad iti suportada itoy a programa ti OFCC.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

JUNE 1, 2013-----SATURDAY =====Walk day---Be Fit Sinait-------Fitness and Wellnes program

JUNE 1, 2013 SATURDAY -------Its walking time with Annak Ti Sinait and Alumni: participants are: Dolly Wiling, Heling Idica, Leonie Degala, Hermie Gaspar------Jesus Ragasa, Rosebella Ipalari, Estrella Taong, Antonio Ipalari-----------Danny Villaruz, Emmie Villaruz, Amado Yoro-------Paul Taong, Gus Concepcion, Rogelio Idica----------All paricipants except Manong Paul Taong, walked 3 miles while the rest 5.5 mile round trip Main Station to Lap 2 and come back==========Be Fit---Sinait--------All in favor to continue as a regular activity for Fitness and Wellness program==========Dolly Willing is the fastest walker in one hour round trip....others walked 5,8,12,20,25,30,36 minutes over one hour=======lowest pulse walker-----63-------highset is 93======average= 78 PULSE........ PICNIC after the walk======