Wednesday, January 16, 2013


January 16, 2013 Wednesday ======State Legislature opens today Dissidents reign as session opens Members of a House faction, long on the outs, seize control By Derrick DePledge POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jan 16, 2013 For the cadre of state House Demo­crats whose opposition to Speaker Calvin Say long left them on the political margins, their exile ends today. When the new session of the Legislature opens, veteran Rep. Joseph Souki will take the gavel from Say on the strength of a dissident faction that has sought to remove Say for the past eight years. . ========= Danny V and I should be attending, but for me, I skip this time as I have to babysit my 1 year old grddtr, and I have to pick up my 5 years old grdson from school======= Fil-Am legislators State Senate and State House: Senate=======Donna Mercado Kim, Senate President;[First Fil-Am Female; first Fil-Am male was Bobby Bunda before Kim] Will Espero, Brickwood Galuteria; Donovan Dela Cruz, Gil Agaran, ======= State House: Henry Aquino, Della Bellati, Rida Cabanilla, Ty Cullen, Honolulu Council: Joey Manahan, Ron Menor, Kimberly Pine,[last council : Cachola, Garcia, ============

1 comment:

  1. Additional name as Hawaii State Representative is Romy Cachola, a come back rep, from City Council, where Manahan post now at the City Council. Manahan was former House Vice Speaker. Served as House Vice Speaker of the House in the previous include but no limited to: Barney Menor, Emilio Alcon
