Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 17, 2013 Sunday======Personal Journal=====Church time

FEBRUARY 17, 2013 SUNDAY=====PERSONAL JOURNAL======Its 3:33 am i got up to my regular CR time=========Can't sleep========6am, time to make ready to church with my wife=======Thanks God, its another new day===========Thanks for everything O, Lord, your blessings and your graces=====Your Guidance and you provided us things you know we needed it for in our lives==========Thanks yesterday activities that were so productive and for the good of it============Today is the DEADLINE FOR ALL TICKETS PAYMENT for the Valentine's Day program========G will be collecting and compiling all payments and return tickets, if any=============After church service and committee meeting=====I have to attend a meeting in Pearl City to continue planning the canvassing for Mrs. ISAH, Venus=======Meeting will be at Manang Estrella's house in Pearl City================time to go====its now 7am==========I'll drive============Tnx==========HOROSCOPE========================February 17, 2013 Virgo (8/23-9/22) You will be with people with whom are you extremely compatible, today, but don't be afraid to disagree with them just for the sake of it. Everyone's in a good mood, so playing devil's advocate isn't going to make anyone mad. In fact, they might relish the chance to defend their position and get into a friendly debate about their views. Being in a circle of friends who always agree with each other is nice, but some times you need to mix it up a little bit to keep everyone on their toes.

1 comment:

  1. Meeting with Estrella, Tony Davelyn, Ador, Paul and myself at Taong's residence, PC, talked about the Mrs. ISAH pageant===========go with the flow=====just hope who the highest will be among the 3 candidates==========we talked about the hosting of Atty Armando Ipac from Sinait=======visiting to Hawaii between Mar 5-19=====set a potluck welcome party at August Ahrens on March 10=======Estrella will take care of foods=========both org president to say something during the evening==========
