Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26, 2013 Tuesday===Personal Journal and Community service

FEBRUARY 26, 2013 TUESDAY =======PERSONAL JOURNAL=========THANKS GOD, ITS ANOTHER DAY======It's 4:04 am========I got up to CR=====checked my emails=======have Rose Mendoza, Mrs. ISAH program/pageant director,thanking on me for my assistance to prepare write ups of the royal court bios and the and brief history background of their respective town: Venus-Sinait, Marylou-Vigan and Evangeline-Santa], Jesse Pascual[re-dwclcaah scholarship chairmanship, was replaced by board majority votes], Eva Burcena[re-brief bio for the Mrs. ISAH pageant], Isagani Ibe, Angie Yoro, emails.========LAST NIGHT WAS A GOOD TURN OUT of our Mission Day Service feeding the homeless: Eddie[soup], Tessie[soup], Jesse[paper plate], Angie[startline], Jean[veggies], Rose[fruits], Marcie[bread/cookies], Charlene[bread/cookies], Agnes[frontline], Al[frontline], Danny [waterman] and yours truly[frontline]====[After the feeding, Danny, Jean and I had a cup of coffee talk at the Burger King Dillingham, talked include but not limited to UFCH Aug 2,3,4 Kauai convention, OFCC convention this coming June 9======Need to look at certain amendments of the bylaws========thru resolutions========Convention Committee chair by Jake M, co-chair: Larry R, Danny V and myself. but there seems to be a confusion because a certain name came out as Chair=========I told Jean, the Chair already appointed by the president, that is YOU, the authorizing power====no one can change the appointment==========should the chair resign or unwilling to serve, then, there is a chain of command responsibility and follow the process======THANK YOU LORD for the opportunity to serve========Thank you for the days you always extend it for me=======AMEN=================HOROSCOPE============February 26, 2013 Virgo (8/23-9/22) Spend your money quickly today and you'll be feeling the sting in your wallet a lot longer than you ever expected to! Take any transactions slowly, and don't use your plastic if you can avoid it. Impulse buys require much more financial commitment than you realize. Commitment is an issue in one of your friendships, too -- they want more of your time than you're willing to give. Make it clear what your boundaries are, before they get the wrong idea.

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