Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23, 2013===Saturday====Personal Journal======Thanks God, its Saturday, a new day, I was awake at 4am to CR, then back to bed========at 6am getting ready to take the BUS to Church====we have to set up the Davies Hall where we have a Ms Valentine's Day Coronation tonight====G and the kids CJ and Lia slept at the salas living room where they call it camping time======I greeted my G a GOOD MORNING======I said: I'll take the Bus......just drive the Van this afternoon and join me at the coronation place=======I have my shoes in the van===I have my shirt and pant for this coronation====I took a bath========6:30am out from house to Bus Stop==================================================HOROSCOPE====================February 23, 2013 Virgo (8/23-9/22) Is there too much happening around you right now? Or not enough? You'll be vacillating between bored-out-of-your-skull and utterly-over-stimulated today, which could drive the people you're hanging out with a bit nuts. But despite their frustration with your unpredictability, they'll love it at the same time. So just embrace your pendulum-like mood swings and don't feel like you have to hide your emotions. You should go from tears to laughter without hesitation.

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