Tuesday, March 5, 2013


MARCH 5, 2013 TUESDAY =====PERSONAL JOURNAL=======Its Tuesday, another great day, a new day, a new life====Thanks God=========new beginning====I got up 5:30am=========I greeted my wife G,=========Suksuktanna ni Lia nga immian manen ditoy kuartomi======naimas ti turogko nupay sagpaminsan a malukagak iti panagsangit ni Lia=========nakabayadak ti $500.00 [asin-suka-bakery]===rimmuarak a napan iti kosina, greeted my daughter Lei============kumaro met ti ubingmon-----lumaing a sumangit======how much more no makasaritan==========Immulogak a napan iti paraangan=====innalak ti buneng ken ti agdan, inikkanko ti nagtumba a bulong ti palma==========impanko iti trash bin==========impaknik dagiti bariles a pagtaytayak ti tudo======== ====================HOROSCOPE======================March 05, 2013 Virgo (8/23-9/22) There might be a lot of drama going on, today, but luckily you won't be suffering under the bright lights of center stage -- at most, you will be a peripheral player. All you have to do is just go with the flow -- roll with the emotional eruptions and odd arguments as they come. They aren't as meaningful as people might act like they are, and if you just remember not to take things too seriously, you'll end this day still feeling good about things.

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